No smoking in parks really?

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    I am not a smoker but I will say this new ordinance/law is stupid. The counsel wasted my money voting on this really? I am sure there are some other issues that were a bit more important.

    I will support you smokers in this.

    While I am not a fan of walking in the wake of smoke I can just walk the other way.

    All I ask you smokers is to quit throwing your cigarettes on the ground and out your car window.

    That is all I ask. I know not every smoker does this but most do.



    I don’t care, I don’t smoke. But I do resent all the butts on the ground under your feet at the bus stop. In fact, I’d gag first from a fart on a Metro bus before I encounter a chimney smoker in a park.




    do you see the contradiction in your post?

    if most smokers litter

    and the litter really bothers you

    why would you support smoking in parks?

    it’s not just about the smoke

    which can trigger asthma attacks

    but about the litter



    littering is already prohibited, yet people do it all the time – smokers and non smokers alike.



    it’s easier to catch someone smoking

    than to catch the smoker in the act of littering…




    i wish it was easier to catch those who litter.

    i would gladly take my camera on litter patrol.

    i am sick of those who make our world their ashtray…

    or their garbage dump…

    because they are too lazy to tote their trash to a receptacle…

    if people took care of their own messes and were responsible for their own actions, we wouldn’t need laws protecting us from their careless and dangerous behavior…

    But they don’t…

    do they?



    Careless and dangerous behavior can also apply to letting your dog run off leash in an on leash park too. No common sense by the dogs owners.



    I am not a smoker and detest the smell, but…

    This argument holds no water. What’s next? Banning chewing gum like in China?

    Outdoors is outdoors. I think the proposed $1 tax is crazy too.



    Next up: A fine for neighborhood cat owners whose outdoor cats crap in the sandbox, and a fine on smokers who are caught driving with their windows open allowing smoke and ashes to escape from their private vehicles.






    don’t get me started about outdoor cats

    there were a couple mating outside my house late last night

    drove the dogs nuts

    not good for sleep



    To clarify lest this is read by someone who hasn’t seen the news stories, ours included.

    The City Council did not vote on this.

    Parks staff prepared recommendations including a smoking ban. The Parks Board, which is a volunteer advisory board that gets to review such things, was asked to review it. They had a public hearing and a couple meetings, all publicized here and elsewhere.

    Last week, after all that, the Parks Board recommended modified smoking rules, such as no smoking within 25 feet (or maybe it was yards) of other people. But the Parks Superintendent, who is not an elected official – is appointed by the mayor – overruled them and decided to ban tobacco use. Chew included. He has the final say in this, at this point.

    And if you’re interested in hearing more on this and other Parks matters, come to Alki Community Council tonight – 7 pm, Alki UCC – one of the guests is ACC’s former president Jackie Ramels, who currently chairs the Parks Board.



    SO Job why are you calling me to come trap the cats to get them fixed? do you want kittens being born?

    Contradiction maybe yes I am just sick and tired of city counsel wasting my tax money that is all. I to wish people wouldn’t litter the butts, but since that is not very enforceable why do the smoking in parks now.

    I agree with Rainyday1235

    do call so I can trap those cats.




    I am not calling you to get the cats trapped and fixed because they have owners who feed them, collar them, license them and let them run free in the neighborhood. They are not feral cats.

    if there was a feral cat problem where i live, i would be looking for someone to trap them.



    Isn’t it illegal to allow non-neutered pets of any species to roam?

    As far as the smoking ban goes, I applaud it. While I agree that all littering is annoying, not all of it is toxic. Cigarette butts are toxic in soil and do not degrade for hundreds of years. The ban on chew may be a roundabout way of preventing a lot of spitting, which was also on the agenda to be banned. Spitting is not only disgusting, but a health hazard.



    i don’t know if it is illegal to let cats outside.

    i know it isn’t safe.

    i have seen racoons, possums and a coyote in the alley behind my house

    not to mention a few loose dogs…

    but legal or not.. safe or not… there are a fair number of cat owners in my neighborhood who feel their cat’s quality of life is affected if they aren’t allowed outside.

    Every cat i have seen so far in the alley is both collared and tagged… or at least has something that looks like tags on the collar…

    and i am pretty sure you can license un-nuetered cats and dogs..

    you just get a break on the fees if they are nuetered.

    i did pass out low cost spay and nueter info in the neighborhood last fall.. and will do so again maybe this weekend with the new Seattle city program….

    unless someone wanted kittens.. they are going to need that info:(

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