Need high speed internet info ASAP

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    we are having a major crisis. When i called to transfer my phone service, i found that Qwest does not have DSL at the new house.

    ok.. i know civilized people live just north of thistle between 35th and delridge. what do they do for high speed internet?

    We have to have fast reliable service because hubby is on call regularly and needs to be able to work from home.

    And i won’t be posting again till we solve this:(

    I can lurk on my phone…




    you don’t want Comcast?



    Sprint Broadband Cards…..$59.99 per month (unlimited) and you can use it anywhere there is Sprint coverage! I use it all over Puget Sound (especially in WS) and it works AWESOME!



    We do Clearwire to get out from Comcast. I was working from home the last 3 months of Comcast and had 12-24 hr downtimes more than 5 times in that period. I do not always get lightening speed with Clearwire (although have not measured since they put in a closer tower)but I have never had service interruptions.



    Clearwire is superior to Sprint or Comcast in price and bandwidth. Clearwire is only $29.99 per month for unlimited access and excellent coverage.



    Clearwire has better bandwidth than Comcast? We re-evaluate our options regularly and have stayed with Comcast only because it had the best bandwidth we could find. Maybe we need to re-research. Our backup (besides the iPhone, which of course is mandatory AT&T) is a Verizon aircard and it’s NOT as good as Comcast – we put it to the test regularly because we upload so much video for the site – we got it (at a time when we had a Verizon discount through the ex-TV job) mostly so we can go wireless from anywhere but use it a lot around the house too. – TR



    Clearwire rocks!

    There is absolutely no comparison to Comcast. Used to have it, and it blew.




    Do you do a lot of video uploading? Seriously, that’s the biggie for us. May not be an issue for JoB, whose thread of course this is, but I’m really interested in anyone who has experience with that … According to the Clearwire website, upload speed is 256KB … According to the Comcast website: 384k upload with faster bursts via “powerboost” … Download speed is stated as 2MB on Clearwire and 6MB on Comcast. Not so much an issue for me as the upload, sending clips to Blip or wherever after processing them.



    it is my understanding that Comcast, Sprint and Verizon, etc have limits on how much you can upload and download – trying to choke out the file sharing, I guess. No limits whatsoever on Clearwire. Talk to Gary and Scott up at Sound Advice – they will give you the lowdown. I know that had to do with amount – I am just not sure on the speed. I bet they would know, though.



    Ok, so this is interesting. I too have Comcast because I can’t stand slow. So is Clearwire REALLY faster? REALLY? Probably I will stay with Comcast because I never have problems, am happily bundled, and it’s blazing fast. My mom who lives in Oregon, however, does have problems with Comcast. I suppose I should jsut google this,but does anyone know if Clearwire is also in Oregon?



    thanks for the advice..

    looks like i am headed to sound advice..



    I disagree with JenV’s assessment and reliance on Sound Advice. We’ve had clearwire for 2 years and downloading pic’s and other items (like TR) is very slow. And it is slow when the weather is cloudy also.

    We’ve switched back to Comcast and speed/service has been much better.

    Job – we live near you and understand the Qwest frustration. Comcast was in our neighborhood yesterday offering some good deals – might want to check them out.



    I have yet to have any issues with Clearwire, and I file share- so I have lots of data coming and going. Perhaps people who have had “issues” with Clearwire did not have their routers configured correctly? I have no idea- I can- and did only speak for myself and try to offer some advice based on my own experience. For what it’s worth- Sound Advice is very helpful, and I do rely on their expertise quite a bit for work phones and my own service.

    JoB- just do your research and don’t listen to any of us on here- we clearly don’t know what is going on with our own internet connectivity. :)

    Best of luck to you no matter which service you choose! You without internet is like….a day without sunshine, peanut butter without the pickles, Sarah Palin without a teleprompter….



    JenV you are the queen of Anecdotal evidence

    Sorted by Marketed speed:

    50 Mbps/20 Mbps – FIOS

    16 Mbps/2 Mbps – comcast

    7 Mbps/896kps – dsl (various)

    2.0Mbps/256KB – clearwire

    600 Kbps/ 500Kbps – EVDO (sprint verizon att “aircard”)

    As with everything your mileage my vary (YMMV)

    Because of an inane rule about the definition of carrier monopolies in seattle verizon basically has listed FIOS fiber as being available sometime after hell freezes over.

    Comcast is shared infrastructure based on neighborhood nodes, which causes wild fluxuations in service and has recently been sued for throttling, and has recently introduced a 250g monthly cap for download ( 30hours of netflix streaming )

    DSL offers the best upload, all the way to megs per second but its has physical limitations based on footage from the office, and its still relatively expensive for old tech.

    Clearwire is hugely limited by nodes much like comcast, but its also limited by wireless line of sight. They have been accused of overselling service without supplying appropriate infrastructure.

    EVDO and other aircards are a nice incremental step in wireless abilities of individual laptops but they are hardly a whole house connectivity solution.

    unless you really understand the differences in the technology its really best to ask your neighbors or try more than one service before you settle in on a multi month, or year contract. Also avoid paying needless fees on equipment rental by using google to purchase these items outright, breaking even usually takes a couple of months at best.



    Very nice Vincent – nice to hear an informed response!



    Sometimes anecdotal evidence is about all anyone can go on. Thanks for sharing some numbers and clearly some very techy knowhow. Re: equipment, anyone who gets an aircard, BTW, avoid the USB 720 we got from Verizon, aka the megacheapo (free) option. It has broken four times already. Luckily they’ve replaced it also for free …



    Unfortunately TR – the anecdotal evidence given was incorrect. Glad there’s someone out there with the tech knowledge to help!



    wow vincent, and you are clearly the queen of backhanded insults, I guess.

    I never claimed to be an expert on anything- I stated very clearly I was basing this on my own perceptions and usage. I like Clearwire. If you don’t- and I apply this to everyone who responded- don’t use them. But, you run the risk of arguments on this forum- for instance, if I said the grass was green, there are certain people on here who make it their life’s mission to disagree.

    Que sera sera….



    Actually, not all grass is green:)



    STOP with the personal conflicts. This thread started helpfully and went completely off the rails after #19 – I have deleted everything afterward and closed the topic, which is a shame because there are probably more helpful opinions that could be offered.

    And there is NOTHING WRONG with anecdotal evidence. Point out the facts too, but personal experience sometimes is more accurate – what companies say is not always what they do.

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