Media treats Ted Cruz and Wendy Davis VERY differently.

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    I only scanned your post because of your opening line of “Commissar.” When people need to start their arguments with provocative and insulting name-calling, I tend to discount the rest of what they have to say, no matter their position.

    In this case, I was apparently correct because you are wrong about Congress being exempt from the ACA. Please see or any number of other sources – Congress members and staffers are required to buy through the exchanges like everybody else.

    You are also incorrect about ACA jail. No one is going to jail. In fact, that is specifically prohibited in the law. See – In fact, read the whole cruz-a-thon series. It will clarify a lot of the incorrect right-wing talking points being thrown around.

    And Cruz is winning? Let’s see – Obamacare/ACA has been passed by both houses of Congress, signed by the president, and upheld by the courts. The 2012 election featured a discussion of Obamacare, and Obama won reelection decisively, the Republicans lost seats in both the House and Senate, and would have lost more in the House had it not been for gerrymandering districts. They actually lost the popular vote for the House by over a million votes. Current polls show that the majority of people do not support a government shutdown and blame the R’s if it happens. Winning? Not so much.

    Cruz is an extremist. He has a relatively small caucus that supports him, but it seems to me they are jumping on the crazy train to irrelevance. They insulate themselves from any dissenting opinions and run their own polls, and therefore seem to truly believe they have more support than they do. I think they and their supporters are in for a rude awakening if they stay on the current train ride.



    Interesting thoughts about ObamaCare (post 57, etc.) I tried to get on the exchange site this morning and couldn’t then heard on the radio that the site is jammed because of excessive traffic trying to get on the site. Could it be that people are anxious to get affordable health insurance? I sure am…



    “Could it be that people are anxious to get affordable health insurance?”

    I think you may have hit on something there! Although our RW buddies will be spinning it as “See!! We told you so! It won’t work! It’s messed up already! Govt can’t do anything right!!”

    We’ll be putting up with that for about 6 months, I’d say, before the truth starts bubbling up that its pretty nice to have some health insurance when you get sick, especially some you can afford to pay for. Shortly after those stories start coming down, I believe we have some elections scheduled. Maybe we’ll be able to bounce some of these teabaggers back to where they came from and elect some legislators who don’t mind doing some work.



    They also took the WA site offline about an hour into it to fix some glitches brought to their attention. It’s the first day, those things will happen, but eventually it’ll be better, I’m sure.

    A post that cracked me up, and saddened me a bit, too:

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