Malicious mischief– RANT

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    NewRes – I apologize if I have been one of those to lump you 2 together. Passion for your convictions should not be confused for what is going on here.

    And on a positive note to everyone – at least we’ve found a topic to bond over and make our community even cooler than it already is. I’d get all mushy about it but that would be so unlike me.

    In all seriousness though, I don’t want to live in fear or be paranoid, but how do we predict when an unstable person is going to go off the deep end? I can ignore the words, as exasperating as they’ve become, but I’ve also experienced real danger in my life and don’t care to have more of that.



    JT – Thank you for the apology. I am also glad that we have all bonded in effect of this fiasco. Funny that this person initially started out to cause havoc, but brought us all closer.

    I, too, refuse to live in fear. I think I have given my email address out on this forum, but it’s not very hard to create a new one. And if any of us run into anything weird going on, we always have Ken, master of all things computer!



    I’m laughing now, Lattemom/cinnamon/Lonely Stan. Do you really think anybody is going to believe anything you say now?

    I have no idea who you are, and I don’t care. If you think you have clues to my identity, you really don’t.



    PSYCHO ALERT!!! Yeesh. Lonely Stan, is there no AuburnBlog for you to haunt?

    and JoB- I LOVE Shiba Inus! They are the funniest little dogs. My BF’s sister has one- the most stubborn- yet cuddly- big-dog-in-little-package around. How old are yours?




    As someone who has hosted a mailing list for over 10 years I can say the most direct way to weed out people like lattemom is with moderation control (WSB) And lots of meet ups. If people know each other and have a social bond thats deeper than an email address and hitting submit they are less likely to take the bait, and more cohesive as a group.

    Posting meet ups from the forums to the front page helps invite people who lurk, but don’t post to the forums themselves ( as some employers forbid it)

    And Stan, get help dude, if your so socially awkward that playing a jr high school joke on a neighborhood blog is your idea of fun, you need to get out more. Or meet some people on LIVE, WoW or your local Furry vs Klingon bowling tourney.

    Borrowing someones email and bad online persona is hardly id theft, but thanks for the weird agoraphobic PSA.



    Wow, whatever. I hope it’s over now. But I’m still puzzled about what’s REAL.




    Let me first say that I recognize our differences for sure. I know that we haven’t been real buddies, and perhaps that may not change. However, if there is any truth to the growing mystery behind “you know who”, I feel I should follow Jt’s lead and apologize. I had my strong reasons to believe differently before, but I would hate to lump you with this loser if you are truly not linked. Whatever the deal is, hope this bs is over soon and Im sorry to give you crap if it wasn’t justified.



    Tanks, san. I hope this all blows over quickly also. You summed it up perfectly, it’s just really creepy.



    um, I need to apologize to NewRes as well…sorry I lumped you and Lattemom together.



    Thank you, WSMom. Please don’t think you all have to apologize. I probably would have done the same thing.



    FYI all – I have just deleted that account after another account popped up approximately 15 minutes ago with a clearly made-up post and the same IP address. No e-mail warning because I doubt any of the e-mail addresses involved are legitimate. I will watch the registrations as closely as I can but PLEASE, if you think this person has popped up again, e-mail me because I have to generate content for the main part of this site and CANNOT hang out on the forums all day and night. Thanks.



    Vincent.. you are right.. the way to combat this type of behavior is to meet face to face and get to know one another.. and as luck would have it.. another chance for meet up is coming along.

    in the meantime.. something about this still isn’t making sense… if stan just made up the name.. how did “he” know so much about latte mom’s life?

    and.. exit stan/lattemom.. enter WSMom2…. who by the way sounds just like lattemom??? complete with veiled threats…

    and where is theHouse and why is he strangely quiet?

    too many mysteries… i wish i cared more.

    i don’t know what kind of game is being played here.. but, it is boring… and i for one suggest we stop playing. We have plenty of real things to talk about.

    I am going to respond to ideas… speak with anyone respectful.. and hope i meet those who intrigue me soon at a meet up so i can get to know them better.

    I may not always be as calm and “wise” as some think me… i do generally think before i post… but i am real… every bit as obnoxious and tiring in flesh as i am online… as a few here can attest:)

    The only way i know to combat illusion is with authenticity…



    this fantasy almost distracted me from things that are important. Anyone know how my girl is doing in texas?



    mystery solved… at least partially…

    the next troll.. legitimate or not… will think twice before being so blatant… i hope.



    JoB- I was hoping someone might be able to fill us both in. Due to the recent police pursuit in LA clogging up the news, I’m having a tough time finding updates. Let me know if you hear anything new! :0)



    san.. i will…

    and jenv.. they are about 3 and one is only cuddly with us.. but i have hopes that will change. he is such a sweetie.



    MSNBC says no results until the polls close.



    Has CPS investigated this person? I could care less about grade-school drama (meant literally and figuratively), but someone this unstable is worrisome as a parent.

    If any of this is even real.

    Good grief.



    i checked back in the forum.. theHouse did not come from the same isp account as lattemom.. he is still there.

    unfortunately, cinnamon was not memorable enough for me to check her.

    and i have decided not to care anyway:)



    The House is a real person. That much we can vouch for. He was even interviewed in a TV story spinning off the wave of troublemaking in his Westwood neighborhood some months back. And based on other information that we will not describe further here, definitely not the same real person as the person whose accounts have been deleted here.



    TheHouse causing trouble in his neighborhood… NO! That’s pretty funny. So, he doesn’t live below the bridge!

    As far as cinnamon, I seem to remember her responding to someone looking for a house cleaner a while back. If she wasn’t real, I wonder what became of that because I was pretty sure the person who was seeking the house cleaner was going to use her/him/it. If you are that person, what ever happened?

    It seems a lot of people that get on forums are just looking for some extra excitement in their life. I’m like you, Sue. It’s kinda like a bad car accident: even though you don’t want to, you can’t help but look. A lot like reality T.V.



    He didn’t cause the trouble, sorry if that wasn’t clear. There was a roaming gang of teenagers throwing rocks at cars and houses, among other things, similar to what happened in Admiral not that long ago.



    Jerald I’m with you, glad it seems to be over, but a little creeped out.



    Btw… My mistake. It was cheyenne who was the house cleaner. Sorry, cheyenne.

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