I don’t know if the first post came before or after we published our first update on the main page … we were at the 34th District marathon when the first call came in from someone, and I paged Seattle Public Utilities’ media rep to confirm (a) there WAS a break and (b) its location – Christopher was able to go report from the scene for us so that we didn’t have to bust out of the 34th before they got to the main event, the mayoral endorsement.
If anyone is still waterless by morning, PLEASE let us know, either e-mail or phone (see upper right corner). https://westseattleblog.com/blog/?p=18585
Whoever it was who called us, THANK YOU (Patrick didn’t catch the name, it was VERY loud in The Hall at Fauntleroy) … this is the kind of thing that doesn’t turn up on 911 (the Fire Dept. eventually got involved but not till much later) so without tips, unless it’s happening at our house too (we checked – no), we won’t be able to check on it!