Looking for volunteer opportunities

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    Been unemployed for a few months and I am starting to go stir crazy. I’m looking for local volunteer opportunities to help keep me busy while I continue looking for work. Is there a list anywhere of West Seattle groups that seek volunteers?



    Bizket- I don’t know of a ‘list’ but am sure you will hear from many wonderful organizations looking for volunteers. If you like cats, we at Friends of the Animals Foundation are in need of help with cage cleaning, fostering, photography, and laundry. Sorry about your job situation but glad to hear that you are looking for ways to help in the community. You can reach us at (206) 719-4864.



    Thanks for the information. I love cats (I have two that I have adopted myself) so you may be hearing from me soon.



    Check Idealist.org



    What comes to mind offhand is the food bank, Seal Sitters, and getting involved with your neighborhood association. Check with the Senior Center and nursing homes for opportunities. If you could expand your territory outside WS, the shelter needs dog walkers along with volunteers for other jobs. Volunteermatch.org allows you to type in your location for volunteer opportunities in your area-there are currently five in WS. Seniorservices.org needs drivers to bring seniors to appointments. Become a pet detective through missingpetpartnership.org



    Hello Bizket,

    The High Point Center is looking for volunteers to help mentor our 3 week Summer Science Camp for kids, starting the end of this month. If you are interested please let me know as soon as possible and we can set up a time to meet.

    We are looking for help on the following days and times: 9:30am-12:30pm, Tuesday-Friday for the following 3 weeks: July 24th – August 10th.

    A facilitator will be putting on the class, the work of a mentor is to help the kids understand and complete the science projects for that day. Anyone 15 years and older welcomed to come assist.

    Please contact Rochelle Saedi at rochelles@nhwa.org with interest and questions.



    United Way of King County also maintains a list of volunteer opportunities at uwkc.org.

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