Looking for Plant Life

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    Hi Everyone!

    The nasty, rat infested, dilapidated, unsafe for human use house was finally torn down on the plot behind me, and is now a razed empty hole.

    If you, or your friends need a good home for plant life you no longer need, or have room for, and are feeling charitable please PM me – if you are curious I can give you the general location of the lot.

    The owner has no plans for development, and neighbors have been given permission to plant. I would love to build up the plant life for what was destroyed: 100+ year old holly tree, lots of grasses, 4-5 other misc large trees, flowers like bluebells, tulips etc…

    Whatever you have I’ll take it and find a way to get it there.




    How about a very large New Zealand flax? I have one that needs a new home. Its about 6 feet in diameter and 5 or so feet tall. I will dig it if you transport it away.



    I PMed you, and yes, I would love it if you would dig, and I’ll take it away.



    Hey HunterG, Don’t know if you saw this thread, from about a week ago,


    but, at that time MargeL had some bluebells she was offering.

    You might want to PM her to see if she has any left.




    Thanks Mike! I’ll PM her.



    Hey! Could you use a 10′ or so alder tree? We have one that has grown in a plastic pot that it’s going to bust one of these days. I need to get it out of the front yard because it is blocking what view we have left after the neighbors built a second-story addition blocking half of our original peek view (now a “peeklet”). Should be easily transplantable, just cut the pot away or turn it over …



    I’ll take whatever you have! Getting it here will be a puzzle…but I’ll figure it out.

    I’ll PM you with my number!



    Oh yes indeed I still have bluebells. Haven’t made much progress digging the silly things out because the bulbs are DEEP! Yargh!



    Is this the shack on the corner by the Lincoln Park gas station? Yeah wow I wondered about that place for a long time, it looked like a cat lady habitat….I heard that unbelievably, someone has been living there for years.

    Then the huge dozer on tracks came in and ate the whole house and overgrown lot in two days. It’s been an amazing transformation in the maws of that machine.

    What was the deal with that property?



    That’s the place!

    My understanding is the home was deemed a hazard to the surrounding neighbors and the City made the owner tear it down.

    Once all work is finished and the ground has a little time to not be so mushy, I’ll rent a truck and be in contact with all of the generous people that have offered leafy specimens!!


    Mike D.

    I have a couple cherry tree’s in pots that I will drop off at the site. These particular cherry’s were given to me for free by another WSB reader, but I have discovered that they will be to large for the intended space. Be sure you give them plenty of vertical room to grow in their new home, no power or utility lines nearby.



    Thanks MikeD!

    If you could drop them at my place it would be better, I don’t want anyone to steal them because they were left randomly( which is highly possible).

    I will PM you with my address and phone number.



    Shameless Bump…

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