Let's start a lesbian book group in W. Seattle..(& a theatre group too!)

Home Forums Open Discussion Let's start a lesbian book group in W. Seattle..(& a theatre group too!)

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    I’d love to start a lesbian book group in West Seattle. It would be great to meet some bookish fellow travelers in the neighborhood, without the hassle of schlepping my creaky middle-aged self off of the ‘island’…

    I know you’re out there; I’ve seen you, but I’m shy. Let’s get together a group of smart, thoughtful women, interested in engaging with the actual content of the book, taking it a smidge beyond the book group trap of merely ‘hated it!/loved it!, now let’s just dish’…

    I hope this post finds some kindred spirits out there…

    (PS: while wishing for it, why not a lesbian theatre-loving group too?!)



    I’d love to join a local book group! I have looked around for one in the past but have had no luck. What types books/reading do you have in mind? What are your thoughts on frequency? Fiction is my preference for sure, but can manage some “non”… if it’s not too dry…just saying!

    Kudos to you for putting it out there!

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