ISO: Regrading/alley improvement contractors

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  • #607518


    Greetings neighbors!

    The new chapter in the saga of me getting in over my head AGAIN is about to unfold and I need your nearly-always excellent recommendations.

    I am searching out recommendations from actual personal experience or direct knowledge, not third or fourth person or guesstimates, if ya’ know what I mean. Thanks.

    I am seeking decent licensed, bonded and insured contractors who from experience know the what, when and how of serious alley fixes and drainage mitigation on some maybe tricky topography.

    I am organizing/researching on behalf of ten to twenty property owners as potential joint-customers and will act as coordinator and contact person.

    If you have a company name, you can post it here for others who might want the same info, or just email me privately at

    Thanks in advance.

    (and sorry for the typos)

    PS. If you are this type of contractor, or know somebody, the summer will be over very soon and assuming this all comes together as we hope, we want to get this project going asap so are looking to get bids right away. Thanks again.

    P.S.S. if you are a contractor, you must provide references for the same type of project. Thx!




    I’ll be in touch with folks soon if I haven’t gotten to you yet

    More recommendations are welcome. TIA



    I’m very interested to hear your feedback on this , as our alley needs serious attention as well. Please give as detailed updates as you feel comfortable with.

    Thanks and good luck!



    Yes, please keep us posted. We have a horrible alley that residents have been working on for several years doing temp fixes that just end up making things worse when winter rolls around. We’ve even applied for a City grant to get it fixed and are waiting for results from that. Our next step is to start thinking about passing around the collection plate and finding private contractors, but we’re not sure about how much people in the neighborhood could contribute or what the cost would be.

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