Is this your cat?

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    Just curious if anyone around here knows who this little guy is? He roams around the 34th/33rd Ave and Charlestown-Dakota area. Definitely doesn’t seem lost or stray (I don’t think), I’ve seen him hanging out around the yards for a couple of years now. I’m just curious what the little fella’s name is… he/she comes around our yard every so often and is extremely sweet and silly, and loves to be rubbed on. We don’t feed it, of course, just leave him be and let him nap in our bushes and chew on our grass. We don’t have pets because of allergies, so it’s fun to have him/her show up every now and again and let us pet it.

    No worries, he/she’s definitely not bothering us! Just curious of name, and if in fact they do have a home :)



    I wonder if this is the same fella that has visited me a few times a couple of months ago. There isn’t a tag, and the next time I saw him/her I was going to check if s/he is chipped.

    I live on 59th Ave SW, across from Whale Tail.



    The markings on the head are different and one has white toes in front while the other has grey. They’re really similar, though. Could be littermates or otherwise related. :)



    @lazybeard … As fun of a tale that would make, that’s probably a bit far for this little dude to travel. He doesn’t move super quick and seems to hang around our 2-3 block area :)



    Based on the coloring, you little dude is a dudette. If she is not lactating or pregnant, chances are she is fixed. If she is fixed she either has a home or has been dumped. You can have her scanned for a microchip at any local vet. When I was a kid we would put a note on a collar asking if the cat belonged to someone. If she starts hanging out a lot, the shelter is probably the safest place for her. She looks like she is in good shape though.



    Cool, thanks mehud7! We figure she is someone’s cat in the neighborhood bc she’s so clean and looks well-taken care of, and isn’t shy to approach :)

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