Happy St Patrick’s Day to all of you!
I hope you’re wearing a bit of the green.. because Irish eyes are watching and Irish fingers are ready to pinch a reminder ;->
May you all have for at least this day…
Irish optimism… the real source of all that blather about a blarney stone… is ready to lift your day… the cup isn’t half full or half empty.. there’s something in it and as long as there is… it’s worth celebrating!
Irish moodiness… tender hearts that feel the world’s pain may look like despair at times… but walking in another guys shoes, if only for an instant… inspires compassion…
Irish temper… who would have thought so much good could come of it… anger is often the engine pushing change…
Irish stubbornness… just tell us it can’t be done… We’ll prove you wrong ;-> Everything can be done.. it’s just a matter of finding out how…
May you enjoy the benefits of being Irish for just one day…
I am lucky … or cursed.. to be Irish every day:))