I-35 menaces

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    Don’t expect that you can submit a petition or “protest” and Mr. Government will make it go away. He can’t.

    What you really need to do is educate your neighbors – the ones causing the problem.

    Comment by Michael — April 20, 11 3:16 pm

    The comment above is an excerpted from the commentary on a feature story WSB did about speeding on 35th Ave earlier this year.

    Well, here goes.

    To the drivers of a light blue Prius AND an 80’s vintage Ford pickup truck, when the traffic in the left lane is stopped, like it was at the intersection of 35th Ave SW and Kenyon St at 5:00 PM today, at least use caution when proceeding in the right lane. Better that you stop and look, but at least slow down.

    You know who you are, I screamed at the top of my very capable lungs at you both. Neither of you need to get anywhere that fast on a Sunday evening at nightfall. If I was a less experienced pedestrian, like a kid, you could have killed me.

    Slow it down and follow the law!



    I saw Bob dodging the cars….absolutely astonishing…they didn’t even try to brake..just barreled through, and almost got him…



    I saw it too.

    That scenario, one lane of traffic already stopped to allow a pedestrian to cross, and jackass(es) in the lane next to it blasting on through (especially if they swing over from the already stopped lane), is probably my biggest pet peeve as a pedestrian.




    Perhaps “I-35” should be transformed into a one lane each way thoroughfare like Fauntleroy Way?

    I thought it was TERRIBLE when Fauntleroy Way was turned into a one lane each way thoroughfare but have since found it to just as fast or faster than “I-35.”

    I complained to a cop one time about being unable to cross 35th as a pedestrian. His response – he gave me a card with a phone number for city hall. Go figure.



    I don’t know that education will help either, unless it is accompanied by a hefty fine. I live on I-35, where the average speeds are 10-20 mph over the limit on a consistent basis. Perhaps there are a few drivers who don’t know that pedestrians can legally cross at any corner, regardless of signal or marked crosswalk – but not many. They just don’t care.

    Kevin, I think you’re right about the road diet. However, I live on the section of 35th south of Rox that has only one lane each way, and I can assure you that it doesn’t deter speeders by much. I still believe that enforcement is the only answer.



    I agree with anonyme.

    So often it’s suggested that drivers be retested with an actual driving test every so many years to basically remind them of the rules of the road.

    Although I don’t really have a problem with the concept, I believe most of the bad driving habits are out of self-centeredness and apathy toward others than downright ignorance of the law.

    Drivers know when they are flying down I-35, Admiral, Highland Park, etc at 52 mph, and when they are gunning it through a solid red light.

    I’m all for sticking them where it hurts, including progressively higher fines for repeating the same behavior. The “average Joe” would likely get the message after the first time, since a fine would hurt their pocket book a bit more, but theoretically, someone more well off might feel it’s worth the occasional ticket to get where they’re going “a little sooner”.

    Of course, jack up their insurance rates, and put it on their driving record as well; up to and including suspension/revocation of the license in the worst cases, but as we all know, many people will still drive without insurance and/or license.




    When I stop on a two-lane arterial such as 35th or California Avenue SW to let a pedestrian cross(especially though the Junction) I always turn on my 4-way flashers. It’s a signal to drivers behind me, coming towards me and the ones in the lane next to me that I am stopped for a reason. Does anyone else do this?



    Not me, but that’s a great idea, LAP. My one concern is that someone coming behind you might think you’re stalled or something, and try to go around you without slowing down. But I know trucks do this when approaching traffic slowdowns, to alert drivers behind them…



    Straddle the 2 lanes when you stop, with hazards on?

    And enforcement, if not a little education, is key.



    LAP, that is such a good idea that it should be required.



    LAP and datamuse,

    Great ideas, I’ll put them to use when driving. When walking, I’ll just remain very wary.




    yes.. i do.

    and it works:)

    sadly.. not all of the time

    but mostly, it works



    LAP, that’s a great idea about the 4-way flashers. I’ll try that. I have given up stopping for pedestrians on 35th unless there’s no traffic behind me for this very reason of traffic swerving around the stopped cars. I’ve seen too many people almost killed just because I tried to do the right thing and ended up creating an incredibly dangerous situation for the pedestrians.

    The thing is that when traffic is stopped in the left lane, I think most motorists assume there’s someone making a left turn, and it doesn’t occur to them that there might be a pedestrian in the mix.



    Yesterday evening there were lots of cops all up and down 35th. Maybe someone with influence is reading the blog.



    maplesyrup, I noticed that, too. They were mostly in school zones, which does happen occasionally – usually in the morning. But there did seem to be more cops than usual.



    WSB has reported on the traffic stops made on 35th and Highland Park Way. Good for you, SPD!

    The traffic on Admiral Way has gotten quite a bit slower, but there are occasional a**holes.

    Charla had a tailgater on her bumper going up the hill on Admiral yesterday. He was honking and flashing high beams at her, even though she was in the right lane going 32 MPH (2 over the limit).

    After awhile, he went around her in the left lane and a patrol car followed him to pull him over.

    The cop smiled at Charla as she went by.

    Good for you, SPD!



    good for charla too



    I see I’m tardy in sharing this note two days ago from Lt. Pierre Davis, who is second in command at the Southwest Precinct:

    >>>Just a quick thank you to our WS community for being diligent in forwarding valuable traffic related concerns to us. In response to those concerns we’ve been able to get assistance from the SPD Aggressive Driving Response Team that just recently conducted two traffic enforcement operations in the Highland Park and 35th SW corridor areas, to which they issued several citations. The ADRT has been committed to the WS community since the start of the year and their support is much appreciated.<<<



    Very, very cool; good job SPD!



    Perhaps it’s wrong of me but I almost never stop for pedestrians on I-35. I always stop on two lane roads but there was once an incident on a 4-lane road where someone was almost killed because I stopped and she crossed and almost stepped into oncoming traffic to the right of me. It’s a dangerous situation and I feel I am putting a pedestrian on the spot if I stop and wait. Plus, having watched someone NEARLY get creamed is traumatic enough.



    You see, the scofflaws make us all criminals!

    Don’t misunderstand, I get this point of view – who wants to see somebody killed in the lane next to the one we stopped in? It would be natural to feel somewhat responsible.

    Responsible, but wrong; in a case like that, the jerk who hit the pedestrian is clearly at fault.

    We can’t ever assume that people will do the right thing. But if a driver stops, it is the pedestrian who must make sure that the other cars have stopped, as well.

    So, don’t become a lawbreaker because others break the law.



    6pm on Christmas-Driver of a silver pickup/SUV decides to drive north in the southbound lanes of 35th for nearly a block. I could only hold my breath and hope that no one would come up the hill on the other side. If you want to kill yourself fine, but chances are you would have killed an innocent person out on Christmas.

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