Hunting season is near- Hikers get ready.

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    As a avid hunter (yes I consume eveything I kill) I have a few suggestion to keep hikers out of the way or path of hunters.

    1- wear a big orange hunter safety vest. You can get these at Cabella’s for 25.00 they also have a lot of pockets so very helpful for hiking.

    Carry a air horn or such device to blast evey few minutes if you see a hunter or hear bullets. Sadly, the bullet that hits you (stray) you won’t hear, so stay viglent.

    3- hike in the evenings or PM only. Hunting is a morning sport so we are gone by 3pm.

    Everyone be safe out there-



    I hope the elk don’t read this,talk about inside info:)



    Wow, so if I want to enjoy nature I have to do it at night in the dark while wearing orange and blasting an air horn every few minutes?? All so I don’t get killed? That sounds awesome!!



    also, don’t look like a bear.



    Shouldn’t you as the person with the gun be responsible for watching out for me and not the other way around?



    Zenguy – Good question.



    My favorite time of the year. This is when the deer shows up on the Schlitz can. I can not stand the fish they feature on the can in the spring, or the pheasant in the fall. It is all about the winter and that majestic deer. Animal beer rocks.

    Now to be serious for a moment. A lot of hunters are going to be drinking this beer, or the new miller “CAMO” can. (Not kidding about that one.) Not saying the OP is going to be drinking in the woods, but it does happen. So they got a good beer buzz on and a gun. Yeah, I would stay out of areas that have hunters. Like Kent, Renton,and Tumwater. Remember that lady last year that got killed by the kid that thought she was a bear?



    I wouldn’t go hiking with a formere Vice President either.




    if you were a serious hunter you’d know it’s “Cabela’s”.



    Not the best typer. FYI. Just trying to help. I’m out there and concerned about other people (non-hunters) I have concerns about stray bullets and have switched to a lower caliber. I think the state should discount safety clothes with your hiking permit to let you folks still enjoy the outdoors. No need to be a “negative Nelly” about my posting.



    You mean me still being able to enjoy the outdoors while you are shooting up s**t?



    No need for profanity. I only discharge my rifle with a kill in sight. always verify target and double check. Bullets can pass thru a target. I cant predict its’ direction if it hits bone. Again, i use a lower caliber bullet. Some hunters use big, expensive guns. Those bullets can go thru a car block. I play it safe all the way.



    jschu, it was quite obvious your post was intended to be helpful, and should only be seen as such.

    I personally abhor hunting (grew up with it), but until I manage to become a vegetarian again, it would be inappropriate for me to criticize you. You sound like you have much more respect for animals and the land, than any slaughter house owner.

    Thank-you for attempting to be considerate during a perfectly legal activity.



    jschu most of us recognize the intent of your post. Unfortunately we also have a lot of drama queens who like to go out of their way to be offended by things without thinking anything through.

    Your caution is appreciated, I assure you. And don’t mind the people with one-track trains of thought.

    Happy hunting, hope you stay safe.



    Paha Sapa! That is a Sioux greeting. We are all brothers and sisters. Justs trying to help – No negative Nellies!




    just a thought.. but isn’t that air gun you want me to blow while i hike going to scare off the game?



    Yes and no- It may scare them away. but OK it could push them to me. Listen, I will survive. If I don’t get a deer or elk or bear on a trip. I will get something later. It’s weird but I’ve never struck-out. I miss a buck but will get a bunch of Turkeys, or quail. I’m happy for mother nature and her bounty.




    it isn’t your survival i was concerned about:)

    but.. happy safe hunting.



    Jschu (and anyone else) – Site owners are the only ones who declare something closed. That kind of statement is no different from “take your discussion elsewhere” type statements. Anyone who thinks a topic SHOULD be closed is absolutely welcome to e-mail us (please do NOT use the pm feature) or to use the “report this post” link, but we make the final ruling, and even a joking “this topic is closed” statement from anyone else won’t be tolerated – it may confuse new visitors and quash conversation. Thanks.

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