Housekeeper 3 hr/wk — $15/hr: dusting, mopping, vaccuuming–no deep cleaning

Home Forums West Seattle Jobs Offered Housekeeper 3 hr/wk — $15/hr: dusting, mopping, vaccuuming–no deep cleaning

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    Looking for someone to come in for 3 hrs a wk for mopping my downstairs, vacuuming my carpeted upstairs, and dusting all round (windowsills, flat surfaces etc). I provide supplies. No deep cleanings, no dishes, no laundry. Just dusting, vacuuming, and mopping. You may need to pile up random items in order to vacuum, mop, or dust, but I prefer to put my own things away. Prior housekeeping experience unnecessary.

    I need someone who is punctual, pleasant, and has zero interest in our personal lives and belongings. I’m open to more hours and potential raise if we should need more assistance.

    Please have 3+ legitimate work references or professional type references (no relations or friends). I have a toddler so you need to be open to a background check.

    Email for more information and we can set up a meeting. Remove hyphens: s-c-a-r-a-b-a-r-a-c-s at



    Position filled — Thank you for all the replies, I believe I have several nice candidates.

    (If someone tells me how, I’m happy to remove post. Thx!)

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