Hmmm…harassing phone call this afternoon.

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    To the nice woman who took the time to call me this afternoon (after getting my business phone number from my website posted on here) who left a harassing phone call because you objected to what I said in a post, please remember that I now have your phone number, and it has been traced back to your place of employment. They will be contacted by me with the time of the phone call, and the contents. Just thought you should know. I don’t know your name, but I’m betting that they could find out.

    Hope you’ve had a great day.



    ha ha ha ha ha Jan; that’s funny



    Pretty childish and pathetic to anonymously call and harass people from an Internet forum. Also cowardly.



    To whomever that is; stay classy, lady…..




    the kitties above are soooo adorable …



    Hmm. Jan, I completely agree that taking a forum argument into personal space is wrong, and that doing so anonymously is cowardly.

    Also you’ve presented yourself as an old woman who can’t be concerned with what others think, will say whatever she wishes, and who has no regard for what others find offensive.

    So maybe it’s not a surprise that somebody had a problem with all that.



    Dear JKB…I may be 68, but I am NOT an “Old Woman”. The only thing I have posted to these forums that I can remember in the last week is reminding someone to use the email in an OP post as to where to send a resume, because the poster may not check back here to see a response. Not offensive, in my book..just trying to help. And if someone has a beef or disagrees with something I say on the forum, then the correct way would be to respond ON THE FORUM, not calling my business phone number to say derogatory remarks anonymously. That’s pretty childish, I think. I don’t have to put up with that. And finally, I do listen to what others think, thank you very much…and right now I’m thinking you just made some negative comments about me yourself. We are strangers…I don’t know you, nor you me…I’ve always thought you to be male…but for all I know you are female…and maybe you were the caller…since it was anonymous ;-)

    And if anyone is going to do it, use a personal # to call from, not where you are employed. Most businesses wouldn’t be happy with that, would they?

    Thanks for the input…have a great week :)




    “SHE” made me do it?

    lame… really really lame…

    if being old enough to remember when totally unacceptable behavior wasn’t justified with the they deserved it defense makes me an old woman… i am glad to be an old woman.

    and.. i really don’t give a hoot who likes it.

    unacceptable behavior is unacceptable.. period



    well, here we are, another day, another phone call. Just about the exact same time. Whoever this person is says that she has now reported me to the editor, and that she would appreciate it if I never post comments about her posts again. Well, since I have no clue who this is, perhaps you’d like to tell me who you are, and I’ll make sure to put you on my ignore list. Thanks. Oh, and… WTF? she seems to think I’m vulgar because I use acronyms…oh, well…



    Yes, she is now on my block list…although , while I won’t hear the call coming in, she can still leave messages. This will get old very quickly. Hope it doesn’t happen to anyone else, and hope it doesn’t escalate. :(



    I urge anyone getting more than one of those kinds of calls to report them to the local police…

    i wish i had reported my harassers a few years ago. it might have put an abrupt end to that kind of behavior…

    at least to that kind of behavior from those harassers.

    instead, i took the high road and they went on to harass me in other venues :(



    Jan, one call is obnoxious and indicates a possibly deranged mind. The second call confirms the latter – beyond any doubt. I think you need to make a police report, even if it’s just online. At this point, think documentation. Whatever you do, DON’T delete the messages. I really can’t think of any posts on the WSB that would justify this behavior. Certainly not yours, although there are a few acronyms that might describe this nut job pretty accurately.



    good news…no call today :)

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