If you still have those winter blues, you can listen to commercial free Hawai’ian music mix online at 91.3 KBCS.fm with live dj’s every Saturday’s from 12pm-2pm.
pandora.com allows you to select any kind or music you’d like by merely typing in an artist of that genre. They select similar artists for the play list.
I’ve discovered that YouTube has a lot of Hawaiian music as well; type in ‘Brudda Iz’ (or his whole name if you can spell it, although autofill gets it pretty quickly) or ‘slack key’ and that will get you off and running. Just remember to mix the Mai Tai first …
Zenguy…Three Plus is a good J-awaiian band. The style “Jawaiian”, is a combination of reggae and island rythms. They’ve played here numerous times at UW and other venues. One of musicians is a former Hawaii football player I think. Their frst CD Honey Baby is real good. They’ve been around for awhile now.