Free Tree???

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    Came across this fella on Craigslist today. Looks like it’s in the grassy area between sidewalk and curb. Can such trees be offered up as freebies?




    This is kind of a gray area. Clearly this is a street tree, and there are more of the same species visible on the planting strip across the street. This makes me think that the trees were planted by the City of Seattle, rather than the homeowner. What’s not so clear is who has the right to remove them. I’d call the City Arborist with an address and ask. I’ll do it if I have time, I’d like to know the answer as well.



    The city also did a free tree program where the homeowner got to pick out the type of tree they wanted. The city didn’t do the planting. Homeowner could plant on the parking strip or in their yard. What about those trees? Would the homeowner be able to give one away? I can’t remember if they took down our address or not. They probably did.


    We’ve slowly been converting our parking strip to more edibles and at one point I considered taking out a tree that’s been there a few years. We got it free from the city (we selected and planted) but I hadn’t even thought about that aspect of it and whether we had the right to give it away (for free, not to sell). We decided to keep the tree so not an issue for us anymore, but I’m curious to hear what they tell you if you find out, anonyme.

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