WSB sponsor Dream Dinners is holding two open-house sessions today – here’s the announcement:
****Join us Wednesday, January 7 from 11:30 to 1:00, or 5:30 to 7:00 for a taste of our wonderful 2009 “Save Time and Money” January menu. Start 2009 by saving time and money while serving delicious and nutritious Dream Dinners to your family and friends.
Raffles will be held during the Open House for some great dinners.
Bring a friend and you both receive extra raffle tickets. Our Open House is a great opportunity to invite friends to check out Dream Dinners.
All guests who RSVP assemble a complementary, award winning ORANGEY ASIAN CHICKEN at the Open House.
Please RSVP at 206 938 5999 or click here to email your response.****
Dream Dinners is in Jefferson Square – here’s their info online: