You know who you are, seriously, get out of your car n say it. It must b easy to pick on others from the safety of your vehicle as your allready driving away, i assume your all spoiled lil rich kids cus none of you would do that to my face without the vehicle.i dont even know where all the disrespect is coming from but here is just a lil back
End rant
22blades.. whose attitude? mine?
i for one am tired of people who somehow feel they have a right to rudeness…
especially when they are able to hit out (verbally or otherwise) and run
22blades…you make no sense…JoB did not start this rant…where did she say she was driving and had a problem…enlighten me as to why you are criticizing her, please…
JanS.. i don’t think 22blades meant to criticize me..
i just pointed out that i shared the “attitude” of the OP
so he they were going to dump.. they were dumping on me too