Fauntleroy Parking Etiquette

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    I lived right off of Alki Ave for a few years and parked in mostly the same spot on Alki Ave because there was no parking at my building. At one point I received a note (written in a friendly tone) on my windshield saying that the residents of the place I parked right outside of would like me not to park there anymore because it was a convenient spot for them due to rain and groceries, etc.

    I stopped parking on that side of the street after I received the note, but it was very frustrating. I wasn’t just some random beach visitor (which seemed apparent because of my “repeat offending”), it was the closest I could get to my apartment — and I had to carry groceries in the rain sometimes, too! At the time I wished I could talk to whoever had left the note to explain it was just as inconvenient for me to park somewhere else than it was for them — but of course I wasn’t sure who it was, and I knew they’d assume I was just an arrogant asshole if I kept parking there.

    If the same happened today, I wouldn’t have changed my habits. If the spot was open, I would park in it, if it wasn’t, I’d park somewhere else. It was Alki Ave, for pete’s sake.



    yes we left a note… a very nice one and pointed out a spot down the street where no one is currently living so they should not be disrupting anyone’s parking. I really appreciated everyone’s stories, especially from the perspective of being the “parker” so we tried to be very kind and provide an alternative. The more we thought about it we realized they really had no idea what the street looked like at night when all of us got home from work, from their perspective it is an empty street with plenty of parking. We hope that they are not offended, especially since there is a solution for all of us. I will let everyone know if they are back when we get home tonight!



    well… no one was parked in front of our house but we didn’t see the car anywhere in the neighborhood so hopefully we did not offend them! Thanks everyone for the comments!



    I’ve been in many of the same situations and sympathize with pretty nearly everyone’s comments – but, wow, when you step back a yard or two and realize what’s going on, it’s like this:

    if we all lived in apartments/condos we’d be bitchin’ and moaning about the noise next door or upstairs or the shouts or arguments or the trash left in the hallway or the rumpled phone book piles near the main entry.

    if we ride the bus we’re always griping about the frequency or missed runs or full buses or surly drivers or rude or bizarre fellow passengers.

    we live in single family neighborhoods and we complain about neighbors trash cans and weird parking habits and strangers who invade our street and dogs which don’t quit barking.

    it’s almost a comedy, really!



    Gotta say – I am frequently the “parker” that gets dirty looks.

    I am a stay at home mom – which means I am almost NEVER home. There are many days that I leave the house at 9 am and don’t get home until 2 or 3. (I know if you work that’s not a big deal) The thing is that it’s usually an errand, window of time, appointment, window of time, school volunteer, etc. I frequently stop on a residential street when I am in between things and have a cup of coffee or read a book for 20 minutes in my car.

    Also, I drive the 2 blocks to the bus station most days to pick up my kids. I know! However, I meet the other car pools there and switch kids, so it’s not as bad as it sounds. However, I always park in front of the same house and I am pretty sure it annoys the lady that lives there.

    So, why do I do it? Well, that is where the bus stops, that is where the car pools are used to seeing me, etc. Further up and I would block an alley and two driveways, across the street and then the kids have to cross the street to get to the car, further back and I impede the bus.

    Point is, it’s public property. Sometimes there really is a reason that people do what they do. (I do hope that the lady doesn’t even notice that I am there, though.)



    The only parking problem we have in our neighborhood is people parking on the parking strip that clerly has No Parking At Any Time Signs posted. When someone parks there it clearly blocks our view of oncoming traffic and pedestrians. Parking is available on the Westside of 35th but not on the Eastside.



    So here’s the point of view of a Vashon commuter/Fauntleroy parker… although not the offender that prompted this thread because I didn’t get a note on my windshield. ;-)

    I live in West Seattle, and work on Vashon. Used to live on Vashon but decided a few years ago that West Seattle was just a way cooler place to be, but my company keeps giving me paychecks so I feel obligated to show up every day. I carpool with a coworker, doing our bit for the environment as well as saving a bit of money. I feel for those of you who live around the ferry and have to look at our cars all day long – it would bug me, too. But there aren’t a whole lot of options for commuters – the teeny lot at the end of the dock is reserved for commuter vans, and the nearest Lincoln Park parking lot has a 4 hour limit – sadly, my work day with commuting time is a good 6 hours longer than that. If there was a dedicated commuter parking lot that was in reasonable walking distance from the ferry dock, I’d be there in a heartbeat. That there isn’t is just one of those short-sighted city planning things. I’m sorry to be a nuisance – it’s not intentional and for me, at least, not without thought.

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