Ducky New Year! (Put a Smile on Your Face)

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  • #593428


    Hi All: The transformation has taken place (no, that is not like the rapture)… the Lulu Christmas Duckies at the West Seattle Ducky Reserve have morphed into New Year’s Party Ducks (no, they aren’t from UO).

    They will be out and about for a couple of weeks. So, just in case you want to put a smile on your face, drop on by, or check the videos at

    2 minutes –

    3:29 minutes –

    (BTW: For those who may not understand the concept of “bragging rights” — look it up. ;)



    Being proud of your art and contribution to the joy of a community, is much different than pimping your products at every opportunity without purchasing an actual ad, like everyone else has to.

    This is the first post ever, to not have a link to your for profit business. Much more appropriate.



    Being proud of your art and contribution to the joy of a community, is much different than pimping your products at every opportunity without purchasing an actual ad, like everyone else has to.

    This is the first post ever, to not have a link to your for profit business. Much more appropriate.

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