Anyone know what’s going on at Divina, the women’s clothing and jewelry store, at Genesee and California? I walk by it everyday and there’s paper up on the windows, but no ‘for lease’ sign (yet). Are they just remodeling or is something else going on?
Julie, who runs Divina, had an event some weeks back to “celebrate the life” of her store. She had been looking for a subleasee when last we heard; I have been meaning to check with her to ask how that’s going, will post a home-page news item when we get word of anyone planning to open the space – TR
Last summer Davina was also closed and papered over for a month or two. I thought she’d closed, but then one day the store was open again. Perhaps she’s just taking a much needed vacation…
I’d also like to know/befriend whoever lives in the apartment above Divina. From the ground you can kinda see an amazing patio space they’ve set up that covers almost the whole Divina rooftop. When’s the party, neighbor? :)