Democratic Strategy For Winning

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    What should it be? I’ve been reading all the threads bickering with Republicans over minutiae that the average voter doesn’t give a crap about. What I want to know is what does the Obama campaign need to do in order to avoid a repeat of John Kerry’s fate?

    Should they be attacking Sarah Palin harder? Should they only attack John McCain and let Palin’s own actions reveal her for the hypocrite she is? Should they take the ‘high road’ and avoid attacks altogether?

    It’s maddening to sit helplessly and watch things slip away, but maybe discussing a strategy for winning (instead of arguing with Republicans who will never see things our way) might at least make me feel better.



    i think a good start would be to stick a pin in the maverick hot air balloon by posting commercials with Bush’s speech and McCains’ speech side by side as they did in the spoof on the daily show.

    We can’t fight their labeling becasue the label becomes the story…

    but we can expose the hypocrisy in the labels they have given themselves

    and force the conversation back to issues.



    Y’know–I listened to Planned Parenthood leader Cecile (sp?) Richards this morning. (Daughter of Ann, former gov. of Tex.–in case anyone forgot.)She makes such a convincing argument about WHY women should vote for Obama. Do women–how about those conservative voices on the WSB–really want government to decide about their reproductive rights? What about healthcare for themselves and their family? I just can’t believe the desire to obliterate Roe would trump what can easily be seen as McCain’s awful record supporting women. I suppose that this whole abortion thing (begun hat, in thge 1990’s)is what shocks me so much still: I can’t get over the fact that someone would want to tell a woman what she/cannot do with her body. Any of us who voted in the 70’s remeber very different election issues. I think it is a sickness now; a plague on the U.S. that it is even being discussed. Are NR, Tonya, etc., really in this league? What about if their own daughters want to make their own choices? You’re advocating to NOT give them a choice? ‘Cause that’s what you’re doing when you’re voting for McCain. If you voted the other way, what exactly would you lose?




    Bayou.. i have to thank WSmom for posting it. Jon Stewart is taped and i haven’t watched it yet.




    i don’t think they believe it will happen…

    just like those who are anti-union can’t grasp that the unions are who they have to thank for their employment benefits.. and without them or at least the threat of them… those can disappear just like the jobs that have been outsourced.

    it’s sad really.. but i am at a loss how to get through to them.



    i just found this posted on the web..

    although the writer was giving people instructions for how to get info about Palin out.. it’s a great how to manual for the kind of political action an individual can take today…

    From Mudflaps

    How can you make a difference?

    It’s up to you guys to get this information out on the internet, so that people who are not searching for Sarah Palin knews will still find out this.

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    And of course, donate.



    heh, heh, JoB met Mudflats ;)



    yeah, JoB- I think “” is a website for mullet-enthusiasts… :P



    apparently face down too.. i called it mudflaps:(

    yes.. that must be mud on my face:)



    Strategy? Well to start, I’m hoping Hillary ramps up to defend her party. No matter how “tough” Palin portrays herself, I’m afraid there would be a terrible double-standard backlash if Obama, a man (geez, a black man at that), launched by the republicans. Not right or fair, but probable.



    I agree..



    We need to help Obama get the “Fight the Smears” information out there.

    “Texas billionaire Harold Simmons, a major backer of Republican John McCain’s presidential campaign and Swift Boat Veterans for Truth four years ago, is the sole donor to an advertisement attacking Democrat Barack Obama over his relationship with one-time radical activist William Ayers.

    A campaign finance filing shows Simmons donated the entire $2.8 million being spent by a new group, American Issues Project, to air the commercials in Ohio and Michigan next week.”



    I was really excited to volunteer for a planned parenthood event this weekend where I was hoping to sign up new voters..and they emailed me that they had too many volunteers so they didn’t need me. I think that we need to really work on getting out the young voters and new voters and we will get the results that many of us here are hoping for.

    Seems to me that that was a strategy that helped Bill Clinton get elected. On that side note, I think all of us here who saw the Daily Show thought the same thing..Barama should use the video of John McCain before and after as a campaign add…in his own words. That was something!!



    I agree with Magpie – people are most likely NOT going to change their minds about voting for McCain/Palin so the key strategy is to register (and get to the polls) as many voters as possible who are likely to vote for Obama/Biden. Rock the vote!



    I also think there is a lot we can do just talking informally with anyone who brings it up about the issues.

    There are a lot of lies out there and it never hurts to let people know where the candidates stand on the issues that matter most to them.



    JoB – you are so right. I was talking with a friend the other day (democrat) who said she had admired McCain in the past and was kinda impressed with Palin but didn’t know much about her. I gave her an earful (plus some helpful links such as mudflats) and she was like … wow. I think it gave her some real things to think about.



    I think that celebs are helpful, too. They’re pretty effective for spreading the message. My daughter told me of a new Obama song by one of the Black Eyed Peas based on Obama’s speech. (Too bad this daughter cannot vote until June.)



    I wish Obama/Biden would hit the global economy message. I think it will be a big jolt to the (seemingly) isolationist Rs when the US loses its position as major economic power. It WILL happen in the next 20 years, maybe sooner. Even more imminent, the Euro will replace the US$$ in international trade.

    The Republicans, who seem to be motivated by fear, don’t get that the economic threat is a greater danger than terrorists on our shores at the moment. A skillfully crafted message appealing to their patriotism may be effective. It also really emphasizes the liability of someone like neophyte Palin.

    But there are other forces at play, particularly the religious zealots. I don’t know how to counter those. Anyone?



    the polling site i just visited.. Ron Silver’s… just suggested an ad featuring the regular people who spoke at the democratic convention… on the issues that mattered to them.

    i don’t think Republicans are going to believe the economic threat because their experts are telling them everything is just great..

    while those same experts are positioning themselves for the global economy. What will they care if euros overtake dollars on the world stage as long as they are invested in euros.. which they will be by then.



    While I do feel pretty confident (but not complacent) in our state’s electoral vote status, I feel a little helpless about the swing states. Has anyone read/heard of any good ideas re: what can be done there (from here)?

    Yes, donate. Cash buys ads. Yes, keep talking. We talk to our family in two of those states and hope THEY are talking. If we keep talking to our friends, family, and co-workers here, surely others know voters there.

    Any other suggestions?



    i don’t know.

    i am wrestling with ideas for that myself.



    From recent polls I’ve seen it seems young women (18 to 35, I think) are flocking to the McCain/Palin ticket. Amazingly, Palin appears to be the sole reason that McCain is still running close.

    My question is – shouldn’t Hillary be out there in attack dog mode? Or is she too concerned about preserving the ‘Clinton’ brand for 2012? It seems to me that if she went on the attack most women with any common sense would come back to the Obama ticket once they learned the truth about Palin’s politics. I can’t believe that all the women who have switched over to the McCain ticket are ulra right-wing religious nutjobs.



    JoB – In addition to the question posed in the previous post, do you think if Obama had chosen Hillary as his VP pick that that would have neutralized the Palin pick at all or do you agree that Hillary would have been a poor VP choice?



    Everyone else feel free to answer as well. I guess I addressed JoB specifically simply because she was the most vocal Hillary supporter.

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