Could someone inform the media…

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    …that the Fremont Solstice Parade is not just naked bicyclists?

    It’s sad that such a wonderful parade put on by so many dedicated and talented people only gets media coverage interested in the naked bikers.

    I got to walk the route this year in tactical support of the Center School students who paraded a very cool dragon/performance art “puppet” (BTW there were both students and staff from WS). These teenage boys and girls weren’t even as titillated as the media over the nakedness going on.

    I was impressed with the high schoolers, the media…not so much.



    You are so right, Dieter — when we first moved here I didn’t realize that the Solstice parade, which I’d heard about for years, was the same as the “Naked Bicyclists.” Because the NB’s were all I ever heard about. When I found out what I was missing, I was really amazed — didn’t have WSB arm of the media to compensate.



    P, any photo of the WS’ers? We haven’t been able to go to Fremont for a couple years because there’s too much we have to cover ’round here. But if you have a pic, we’ll run it. Agree that the coverage balance has tipped too far wrt the naked bikers. They used to call such things “sidebars” … you do one story on them … AND the main story on the REST of the parade. Speaking of which, see you all July 18 for the West Seattle Grand Parade :)



    Any hot straight girls ride around naked?



    I’d even settle for hot not-straight girls.



    Tracy, email sent.



    Nothing says Solstice than good old Pagan nudity.

    All the rest is just a fun community parade, one of 20 that happen throughout the year.

    The Naked Bicyclists earn the coverage, and are definitely the most appropriate, poltically and socially effective, and most well deserving of media coverage in the whole parade.

    I just wish the media would concentrate more on the body positive movement. Or the pagan nature of it all. Or the courage it takes.

    Instead, we just get to hear some media giggles over a little T&A…(and other liberated body parts.)



    The local newspaper and television news are interested in making a buck rather than informing people. Naked bicyclists is what causes readers and viewers to flock. I expect little more from them; and informing them that there are other aspects of the parade will fall on deaf ears.



    Just wait until those bicyclists discover the Hi-Yu–oops, sorry–American Legion Grand Parade… (and are chased down by the Seattle and Vancouver police motorcycle drill teams!)



    Yardvark, I think Monica Guzman’s “riding with the bicyclists” piece at might have captured some of the spirit you mention. I’m sure it’s still linked on their home page as it’s no doubt major link bait.



    Once I received an email with photographs attributing the Nude Bikers to Fremont, CALIFORNIA. Aw hell no! I had to reply to everyone in that email that it was Seattle, not Cali.

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