city car tab fee proposal

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    the city keeps adding on fees and taxes. once the city gets this fee the city will use it to supplant general fund money; ie keep reducing what should be a basic city service funded by the general fund, maintaining the streets

    people who have sidewalks paid for them in higher home cost as the builder passes on the expense. those that don’t have them need to form an LID and pay for their sidewalks like most homeowners in the city have.



    could you please show me proof that the city would misuse this particular fee? It hasn’t even been decided would you possibly know that it would be misspent? Pure speculation…by someone who simply doesn’t want to pay it..



    could you please show me proof that the city would misuse this particular fee?

    But of course…….








    i have documented in the past that the City of Seattle spends way more than other City’s in the area per capita on Social Services; in essence taking money away from basic City maintenance.

    i never said they would misuse the fee i insinuated that they would use the fee to supplant the street fund (that is take money already dedicated to street maintenance and move it to another City function if the fee passes).



    bah. everyone complains and whines about %MVET, so let’s just have a flat car tab fee in seattle of $120 per year. $150 – $200 for business/commercial registration, and on vehicles over 5,000 lbs GVW. (yes, i’d like to tax your tahoe more than a prius – it’s harder on the roads.)



    i drive an old sedan



    I wish there were a way we could tax whining about taxes.



    i wish we would stop spending on social services to the able bodied and minded



    “I wish there were a way we could tax whining about taxes”

    thanks for the good laugh

    But I too wish “we” could spend “our” money more wisely. Isn’t there a giant RESET button somewhere we can push?



    ‘But I too wish “we” could spend “our” money more wisely.’

    Taxes and revenue are at an all-time low. It’s hard to spend wisely when there’s nothing to spend.



    it is frustrating in some ways- I support the city in their effort to get revenue so they can do their job- adding to the car tab is one way. I always vote for levies that I think are necessary to keep things moving forward. on the other hand, the way they use the money when you give it to them….using Bridging the Gap money to plant trees, build bio-swales for drainage, when there are streets on designated walking routes to school with no sidewalks, streets riddled with potholes that are re-filled every couple of weeks….

    the parks and green Spaces levy- they approve projects and the funds for them, and then they throw a wrench in it all with their processes…

    yes you can write them and tell them what you think they should do with all the money you give them but that doesn’t really get you anywhere. oh well.


    I Wonder

    “An $80 annual car-tab fee would generate about $27 million annually. The city Department of Transportation says it has a $1.8 billion backlog of work.”

    Thats really going to help. I think it is more about what they do with the revenues, not so much the shortfall in revenues.



    In a state such as ours with no income tax, the only way to meet revenue needs is to add fees and increase homeowners/sales/gas taxes (and others). Which is the LEAST progressive form of taxation. People moan every time these fees/taxes go up, but they forget this point. Revenue has to come from somewhere. We’d be much better off with an income tax, and lower taxes/fees of these sorts.



    Correct kbooms. As I’ve pointed out recently on another thread, tired of the middle- and working-class in our Nation getting nickle-and-dimed to death with taxes and fees for services? Call YOUR elected representative and DEMAND they start taxing THE ONLY SEGMENT OF OUR SOCIETY WHO HAVE SEEN THEIR REAL INCOMES AND STANDARD OF LIVING RISE OVER THAE LAST 30+ YEARS, so we ALL pay for the commons we ALL use and derive benefits from (though, proveably, corporations and the wealthy use them more, and derive greater benefit from OUR commons).



    Think about it, if I want to HIKE in our Nation’s forests, I need to pay an extra fee to park at the trailhead, but if I want to CUT DOWN our Nation’s forests, OUR tax dollars will build roads for my corporation, and when I’m done clearcutting all that wood and sending it, raw, overseas to be milled by my offshore shell corporation, OUR tax dollars are used to decommission those roads, and mitigate the environmental damage that my basically untaxed corporation created.

    THAT’S fair!!??!!



    Third-world nations ship their raw wealth overseas and import finished products.

    THAT is the society the conservatives envision for America. They’ve almost succeeded.






    The mayor wants another $80 over the newly enacted county tax…he says for bicycle and pedestrians… seems about time to license bicycles… other cities do it. Next, a Seattle tax … $2 for every pair of shoes… the women will love that one!



    NY has taxed vehicles based on weight for years. Seems smart to me.




    if a $2 tax on every pair of shoes would ensure safe crosswalks, i’d pay it in a heartbeat…

    one of the reasons i can’t walk where i would like to is that i can’t play dodgem with cars in the crosswalks any more.



    It took the city 15 years…. but we got our crosswalks this week…well, at least the handicap ramp portions…and the sidewalk tie-ins… no traffic stripping yet.. I must say… being in the concrete biz…. they did some impressive work!



    you got yours…

    i watched an older disabled man try to play dodgem crossing 35th near the retirement homes the other night.

    3 lanes of traffic eventually stopped and the fourth still doing 50 with the man in a clearly marked crosswalk :(



    Hurray! The City Council just UNANIMOUSLY voted to support sending a $60 car tab fee to the voters in November, about 1/3 for road repair, and the rest for safety and transit improvements. I think that unanimity speaks volumes.



    If they make car owners pony up an extra $40, $60, $80 to help fund metro, they should give us metro vouchers in the same $ amount. That way car owners don’t feel like they are being taken advantage of and may inspire more drivers to pick up a bus every now and then.




    wouldn’t you say car owners get a huge benefit when increased ridership equals less cars on the road?

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