Cell phone provider recommendation

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    We live on Harbor Ave SW (2300 block) between Salty’s and the WS bridge, and are wondering if any of our neighbors have recommendations for a cell phone service provider that works well in that area. We currently have Sprint that is often hit or miss.




    I have noticed my ATT coverage is very weak when visiting Marination. I use an iPhone 5S so the antenna/software is set up for the latest LTE.



    I’m a Verizon fan. Best reception in MANY more places than other carriers–especially if you travel.



    Verizon is also very weak at Marination. Coverage along the water is spotty for all of them. I had AT&T for many years and I liked the sound quality. I’ve switched to Verizon because it works in more places than AT&T but the sounds of voices is muffled. (I think they over-compress.) I think there are no good signals from any carrier in your area.



    Root Metrics is an independent company that measures and compares coverage for all carriers, you can get pretty granular.


    I work for one of the carriers you mention (the one with the ampersand), so have never experienced any other network. However, Root’s maps seem very accurate compared to my experience.



    i just upped for another two year contract with Verizon because of their coverage and reliability.. in spite of the pure google phone’s migration to T-mobile



    I live on Harbor Ave, we switch from AT&T to T mobile. Best decision ever. T mobile coverage is excellent comparing to AT&T which frequently dropped or missed, one thing with T mobile is no coverage for underground parking garage.



    I live near this area, we have AT&T and Verizon, and haven’t had any issues (other than my new phone not connecting to my comcast wifi very well). I recommend both.



    Do not go with Sprint! After a year of dropped calls and not getting calls at all and me complaining, a rep finally told me they lost their only tower in West Seattle and have no plans to replace. I went with ATT and it’s been great service



    Avoid signing cotracts since cell phone rates are declining rapidly so you don/t want to be locked in. Consumer advocate, Clark Howard, has lots of info on his website and he strongly recommeds NOT signing a contract. There are many low cost options available without doing this plus the rates will continue to decline as more providers enter the market.


    HMC Rich

    If you want the Amway of mobile phone service look into Solavei. Sign up enough friends or people and you don’t have to pay your full bill. Mostly 3G with agreements with T-Mobile. Not the best but not nearly as expensive as some others. Although Verizon did have a deal that was getting close. Solavei is not the best choice if you travel a lot. Also you don’t get unlimited data. I have an iPhone 5. And Solavei doesn’t give you the visual voicemail that AT&T does but You can still access voicemail.



    thansen…that’s funny. I have had Virgin Mobile for years, who use the Sprint network, and I have wonderful reception, never a dropped call. I’m in the Admiral District, near Adm. Safeway. I tmust have to do with where you’re located.



    I currently have Sprint, and have used their service for years. I’ve almost always had good reception and haven’t had a dropped call since the early aughts. Unfortunately, the reception inside my new building is really bad. If I go out on the sidewalk, it’s great. Kind of torn because I use my data plan like crazy, and it’s a good deal.

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