Big Empty Pit

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    Does anyone know what is going to be built in that large empty pit near the corner of Alaska and Fanutleroy? It’s been the same way for quite some time, no progress. I am hoping that it is not going to be another big tall apartment building to block my view of the city!

    Also, the empty 76 gas station on the opposite corner of Fauntleroy and Alaska, is anything going to happen to that place?

    I’m really just curious and figured this would be the best place to get some answers. Thank you in advance.



    most recent news i could find out about what we locals refer to as “the hole”:

    BULLETIN: ‘The Hole,’ aka Fauntleroy Place, goes for $32 million

    the former 76 station currently has a hand-lettered sign with a (949) area code phone number to call for inquiries. it’s the number for a real estate agency, presumably in orange county, california.

    Fauntleroy/Alaska ex-76 station just got something new: A fence

    i also noticed the DCLU proposed land use action sign in front of the shell station at the opposite corner that proposes replacement of the underground tanks. the comment period ended in february, i think.



    The second (a) the new owner decides to break their silence re: The Hole and/or (b) any information becomes publicly available in records (planning documents, court documents, etc., we scour them all frequently), we will report on it. The “conventional wisdom” as they say is that the project will be something similar to what had been approved for the site before everything descended into legal-fight (covered extensively here too) madness .. though Whole Foods officially was out of the project as of a couple years ago.

    There remains a placeholder on the Madison Development (new owners) site: … if there was a significant change, they would have to take it back through Design Review, as the land-use permit etc. was issued for a very specific project. No updates online (and we have even gone downtown to look at the file) in a long time:,SW,ALASKA,ST,


    We do have a more recent report on the ex-76 station than linked above. It is up for sale.



    I still like the Whole Hole for the proposed alas and former tenant.

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