would you consider taking a couple of things for me?I’ll help pay for the fee. I have a large desktop – no legs – , and a monitor shelf that sits on it. Would love for them to be out more sooner than later (grammar folks?). Am on 2nd floor, can’t carry desktop myself, won’t fit in car :( I’m at mmfeelgood at gmail dot com
I learned the hard way that the minimum cost of a dump run is $30 no matter how much you have. That will get you 400 pounds, so, don’t go for small stuff.
Mr. Green Guy..you were here a couple of weeks ago, for an office chair, printer, computer tower. I’m trying to get the desktop that I have to the dump. I figured if someone was going and willing to get the two pieces I have out of here, I’d help with the fee. Don’t particularly want to spend more than 10 bucks or so….