Anyone hear the rumbling sounds last night?

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    I live in the 4000 block of 37th and last night, about 10:30pm, there was a low rumbling sound coming from the south west direction. It wasn’t exactly thunder-sounding, and I thought I could make out a plume of smoke coming up too. I would think I dreamt it, but our neighbors came outside around the same time and said it shook their house. It continued on for about 30 seconds and then went away… did anyone else hear this?!



    I live right near you, and I did not hear a thing except for my neighbors having a loud obnoxious party…they do have Harleys…that could have been your smoke & rumbling sound…and I am S/W of where you’re at.



    someone wrote us and asked about fireworks shows, right about that time. I couldn’t find any evidence of one. Sometimes there are private shows and I’m not sure which database to look to find the permits. Might have been the same thing — TR



    these particular neighbors are also known for lighting off fireworks at all hours up to and on fourth of July, so that’s not out of the realm of possibility either.



    There were fireworks last night (pretty far away) but it was about that time and we could see them at a distance, south east of us.

    We could also hear them (for being that far in the distance, they were pretty loud) and it was a booming, rumbling sound.

    But it was a great fireworks show! We were just wondering what was going on and trying to figure out if there was any significance to June 22nd?



    Definitely heard the rumblings from 35th Ave SW & SW 112th. Must’ve gone on for 15 minutes from what I can recall. I thought was either fireworks or possibly thunder, but saw no evidence of either in the sky.



    D’oh! Yes, the sound was coming from the south EAST direction, not south WEST as I originally said. Sorry… someday I’ll get this direction thing worked out…



    I also heard it and I’m at 8th Ave SW and SW Kenyon. I was in my basement office so didn’t see anything.

    I know Harleys are loud, but I don’t think I’d have been hearing them from 30 blocks away!



    Hey –

    I heard it too…..multiple packets of firecrackers is what I thought, but with an odd low grumbling. Sounded like it was coming from the east. No flashes or anything and I thought it lasted maybe five minutes? At least what I noticed and heard. I’m near datamuse by the Westcrest dog park.



    I heard it at 18th and Cloverdale, too



    I definitely heard it also from 34th and Roxbury. My wife said it sounded like someone hitting an empty plastic barrel with a baseball bat, but from way off in the distance. I would say coming from the South East as well, but I couldn’t see anything. Started out with varied intervals and lasted about 15 min. with a pretty intense ending. I was guessing fireworks since it had that kind of low-end thudding sound, but we didn’t see any flashes.

    Good to know we’re not crazy. :)



    I was wondering if the Seagfair Pirates were practicing a beach landing or something – some of the booms reminded me of their cannon. Heard at at 35th and Raymond.



    Funny that you should mention cannons. I saw two of them on a flatbed heading down I-5 (towards downtown) yesterday afternoon.


    I thought someone was walking down Roxbury with a wheeled recycling/lawn waste bin. Wife even came out of bedroom and asked what was up.

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