Anyone else have health problems at work/Dusty enviromet?

Home Forums West Seattle Rants & Raves Anyone else have health problems at work/Dusty enviromet?

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    Any info on this subject will help me… I have worked for this company for 23 years first 19 in a office then the last 4 years in a warehouse office environment since transferring to this job I have had nothing but problems with itchy eyes, plugged up and bloody noses, scratchy throat, and headaches. Work had area cleaned twice since I told them about my miseries (3yrs. ago) but it lacks in it to be continually cleaned on a regular basis, they hooked up an air cleaner but it does nothing. I have gone to an ENT, Allergist and FM doctors and they all say it is the warehouse dust…I guess what I’m getting at is my only alternative to quit after 23 years with the company lose my 5 weeks vacation stop my ESOP or just come right out with my doctors and say you need to write me a letter and tell my work to help this person?
    Are there any other people out here that have gone thru anything like this? If this helps work is located in the SODO Industrial area

    • This topic was modified 5 years ago by Led.
    • This topic was modified 5 years ago by Led.


    If you’ve brought it up to your supervisors and nothing is happening, I’d consider making a complaint to OSHA – the occupational safety and health administration. This is totally the stuff they deal with. Is anyone else having problems? That would bolster your claim. OSHA has a section on indoor air quality.

    On the same site, under the “worker” tab is where you go to file a complaint. Good luck.


    T Rex

    Does your employer have a safety director of any sort? If so, if you tell that person they MUST follow up on it. I realize that not all employers have a safety director but thought I would chime in here.
    There could be SO MANY issues causing this and Lindsey is correct if other people are having symptoms, it would help your case.
    And if you have been with a company that long, they should be bending over to help you!



    Thank you Lindsey and T Rex for your info on this matter! To Lindsey, yes there are other employees that have issues and to T Rex yes we do have a Safety Director and I went to him and he had LNI come in and do a air quality test for the usual CO, Nitrogen Dioxide … came back OK and they also did for Respirable Particles but before the testing they had the warehouse thoroughly cleaned. mmm… :>/
    Our HR department has been informed with letters from ENT and Allergist. I just feel like I’m voicing my issues and concerns and it’s going on deaf ears…
    Again thank you for your information.



    You may need to have your doctor file a workers’ compensation claim, if they haven’t already. If your doctors think it’s caused by your work, then you may have a pretty good case. It can help you get your medical bills covered and lost time paid, among other benefits. All that said, you may want to talk to a law firm that handles work injury claims. I recommend Causey Wright- they do free consultations and will talk you through how to file a claim and how that may impact your future at the job. Good luck



    MichealL, thank you for your info as well. Seeing my allergist next Friday and see what he thinks again even though first visit he said I would need to go to a work clinic because it is not household dust that I tested positive to. ??? we all know how that went for me! LOL!
    So glad it is Friday because I am suffering badly here at work.



    Well here’s how it went with the visit to my allergist… nothing he can do for me but treat the household dust and mites with Flonase, Zyrtex… but he did point me in the direction of an Occupational Health Doctor and said try and see what he can do for me.
    I’m sad by all of this (no help from work and or Dr.) but will go forward and not let this get me down.

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