Animal & Property ABUSE! Who To Contact?

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    We live right next to Lafayette Elementary School. One of the men working on the interior update at the school brings his two adult dogs (they look like Chesapeake Bay Retrievers) and leaves them in the cab of his black pickup truck (with the windows down just far enough to get their heads out) ALL DAY! :(

    Actually he does take them out of the truck a couple of times a day to romp on the grassy area they worked so hard on to create for the kids… and gives the dogs a chance to relieve themselves… on the grass … without cleaning up after them :(

    I’d approach this guy but so far I don’t think he’d be the type that would receive me very well.

    Does anyone know who I can contact to report this?





    Lisa, call 206 386-PETS



    Thanks for the info. I called and registered a complaint.



    I just called Seattle Animal Control… again … and confirmed that someone is going to approach this guy today. I’m not even sure if I find it more unacceptable that he has those poor dogs in a truck all day… or that he seems to have no regard for public property? It makes me cringe to think of all the work that was put into creating a ‘green space’ for the kids… just to see someone allow their dogs to use it as a dumping ground… :(



    So what is animal control going to tell him? That he shouldn’t come to seattle any more because people will call animal control on him for bringing his dogs to work, which he probably does every day, so they can get attention and exercise?
    Search google for the term “ride along dog”
    oh sorry, you would rather he left his dogs home alone all day while he worked, I get it.
    your overbearing passive aggressive response is makes me embarrassed to live in west seattle.



    Leaving your dogs trapped in a truck all day and taking them out to defecate on a playground is not “taking your dogs to work”. I have a feeling they WOULD prefer to be left at home. I would.



    Kbear: nice opinion, I am a better person know that I know what your views are on being taken to work, if you were a dog.
    I know many general contractors who have ride along dogs, the dogs are very happy, as most dogs are that get to ride in cars all the time. Aside from the occasional job where the have to live in the big kennel for four hours at a time. Oh and thanks again lisatown for wasting my tax dollars and animal controls time, because of your need to control other peoples behavior.



    Vincent – LOL

    Maybe the contractor has no other alternative but to take his dogs with him (can’t leave them in the house all day and no enclosed yard/area) and he is checking on them to let them out routinely (although poop should be picked up), so not sure there is abuse here. Should I call animal control on those dog owners (and I am one of 2 beautiful dogs) who DON’T PICK UP POOP on my sidewalk????



    Ok, Vincent, let’s suppose it’s a nice cool overcast day and the truck won’t get too hot. Let’s assume the guy left them plenty of water, because he’s more concerned about his dogs’ well-being than some spilled water on the floor of his cab. We’ll also assume – really going out on a limb here – that he comes back regularly to make sure it’s still cool enough inside the truck and the dogs are ok. Now, what’s the guy’s excuse for allowing the dogs to crap on the school grounds?



    I guess jwws can think/type faster than I can.



    His excuse is he lives somewhere where it isnt a big deal, there are plenty of places where that is still actually the case. All those far away rural areas where blue collar people take their dogs to work in trucks and cut them loose to run around. You know like burien. or seatac. Your proto NIMBY antics are cute, but you might want to just ask the dude to scoop. Or if you were over being passive agressive and complaining on the internet, you would call whatever number is on his truck, or out front of the jobsite for the company, and ask whoever answers to tell them to scoop.

    Holier than thou bitching on the internet is easier though I suppose.



    leave a note and a bag of dog bags in his cab.. or on his windshield…



    Vincent, I’m pretty sure they have leash and scoop laws in Burien and SeaTac. And the hypocrisy in your last sentence is astounding.



    sorry vincent…

    KBear’s right:)

    some of your former posts have been doozies…

    mine too.

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