All Star Fitness robbed me TWICE – IN ONE DAY

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    I joined All Star Fitness about a month and a half ago now. About three weeks ago, I had stuff stolen from my locker not once BUT TWICE. In the morning someone either fished a necklace OUT of my locked locker, or saw it in there and opened it while I was in the shower and took it. Not a cheap necklace; it was one of a kind from the Southern tip of South America, and was incredibly expensive. I was upset, no one had turned it in and I told the front desk before I left. I went back to the gym after work the same day and was waiting for my friend Mikey (who also signed up for the gym BECAUSE OF ME) to come join. I walked in to the locker room, placed my wallet and keys into a locker, locked it, and went into the waiting room for MAXIMUM of five minutes. I walked back in with Mikey to throw her purse into my locker to find the lock bent/cut off, and all my stuff gone out of my wallet. Extremely pissed, I went to the front desk to report it. See, I am paying all my bills in cash, which I had in my wallet… until someone took it all. The manager did NOTHING to calm me down and further enraged me. If you have been having a problem for a couple months and I joined three weeks ago then when I am signing up DON’T tell me its safe and secure. ITS NOT. If you recommend giant locks, tell me that. If you value your customers, especially ones like me, value their belongings. The gym placed the blame back on me telling me they hung paper signs up on the mirrors a month and a half prior and although they were aware of the issue, still weren’t sure where the problem was coming from (a member or staff). Another new guy at the desk told me they have had 17 similar issues over the last few weeks. That’s more than an issue, and at that point its the gym’s problem and they need to fix it STAT. As a former world ranked swimmer, I am COMPLETELY dissapointed in the gym’s lame customer service and lack of compassion. To place blame back on me, shrug your shoulders and carry on doesn’t do much for me. Anyone else totally annoyed with this gym? Am I too far off asking them to either refund my joining costs and part ways OR give me a few months free? They have really made the wrong girl mad.



    So sorry to hear that. Did you call the police? They should be investigating. That locker also shouldn’t be touched until the cops try to get prints. It’s quite likely one of the staff has a criminal record.



    All-Star Fitness has had so many bad reports by customers that I’m surprised anybody still goes.


    Ms. Sparkles

    No you are not “too far off” asking them to make you whole ASSUMING they value your membership. I’m not a member there, so I have no clue if the management does value their members. You make a valid point that if they were aware of an ongoing problem, they should have made the problem and the steps they’re taking to correct it clear when you signed up.



    Katherine, that was exactly my thought…



    it would seem that a business would somehow be responsible for it’s member’s piece of mind while using said business. Warning people that there is a thief on the loose is just a cop-out on their part.

    unless it was an inside job.



    I am so sorry- I would be pretty upset too.

    I did notice signs when I checked in last week stating that things had been stolen from the women’s locker room and to use a large lock.

    I leave my stuff at home, but luckily I can walk to the gym.

    They can’t really put cameras in the locker room… I noticed lockers up on the second floor that I didn’t remember being there. I wonder if you can use those for valuables and just put clothes in the locker room…



    You’d think that, at least temporarily, they could place a safe at the front desk where patrons could leave valuables and sign them in and out somehow.

    Allstar has a long, long history of all kinds of abuses. I belonged to a downtown branch where the male manager was caught spying on the women’s dressing room. Wouldn’t trust them with cameras,for sure.



    mddubs I’m extremely sorry to hear about that situation, that would infuriate me beyond belief. I think the only reason I still attend said gym facility is its location, its convenient and that’s about it. I don’t know about the women’s locker room but they finally, after probably >6 months fixed the HVAC problem in the men’s locker room, you couldn’t get dressed in there without getting dripped on from above, not to mention the wet carpet that soaked your socks!

    Its unfortunate that a facility that has the potential to be a great community health club has such lousy leadership that allows such infractions to continue and offers no resolution.

    I know this isnt a rant and rave forum, but it ignited some thoughts in me that I had to share.



    My locker was broken into at the West Seattle Y about two years ago. Yeah… I had my watch, cell phone and cash stolen all from what was supposed to be a secured locker with their key. I terminated my membership after that incident when they told me they didn’t see any tampering. The lockers are so old it doesn’t take much to break into them. I filed a police report. I have become much smarter since then. It has been a long time since anyone stole my stuff. Pilau you guys!



    Allstar has always invested in bling but little else. I’ve been to almost all of their facilities and the overriding theme was poor drains, poor hvac. In particular the men’s locker room here in ws. I quit because of the mold problem. There were benches in the shower made from particle board and the undersides were slick with slime. Much like bottled water, they pose as healthy but are encased in unhealthy bio chems.



    dhg.. the Y was in worse shape. Below operating standards if you ask me. Very unsanitary. They all get away with it.



    Allstar is awful where customer service is concerned. We all accept some risk leaving things in lockers, but repeat trouble begs a police report. I once locked my keys in my locker, and went to the front desk for help. The lock was cut off without any question: I wasn’t asked a name, wasn’t asked for ID (which would have been with my stuff in locker), NOTHING. Just snipped the lock and walked away.


    There are a couple classes I love at Allstar, but I don’t trust the admin staff (they’ve messed up payments multiple times), the lockers, the sanitation of the locker rooms, adequate venting/fans or the maintenance of equipment. After having been to a REAL gym out of state, I am particularly disappointed that Allstar is all we’ve got.



    Allstar ripped you off… or some scum bag ripped you off in All Star? Get your car broken into at a city parking garage,, and see if you get reimbursed. Twas the thief that ripped you off.



    To kootchman, great point. However, they can’t claim they tried to prevent it when I ASKED about it when I joined the club and even brought up my FIRST incident to them and still had stuff taken later that same day. And more to the point, their customer service was terrible. I am a reasonable person, and I understand that these things happen. But how they handled it and laughed me off was completely unacceptable.

    Now that I made a stink and emailed the CEO, they have offered me due-free months. I have made sure my point was made clear, and have received apologies from the center. No matter, I am still upset. Not respecting me and ignoring me for three weeks was a little too much.

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