A Craigslist question

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    I’m about to sell something on Craigslist. I’d like opinions about handling and scheduling the people who call to see it. What is the Craigslist etiquette for this? Here’s an example of what I mean:

    I advertise my item on Thursday night. On Friday morning, Caller 1 says she’d like to come look at it, but can’t get to my house until Saturday afternoon. I give her my address and arrange for her to come at 2:00.

    Later that morning, Caller 2 tells me she’s interested in the item, and can come over Friday evening at 6:00.

    Then, that afternoon, Caller 3 wants to come over Saturday morning at 10:00.

    What do I do? Caller 1 is the first person to call, but then I have two other people interested in the item. What if I tell them I already have someone coming to see it, and then Caller 1 decides not to show? (This has happened to me before.) Do I just sell it to Caller 2, the first person who shows up with the cash? Do I let Callers 2 and 3 come look at it, but tell them I need to honor the first call, and if she turns it down, it goes to Caller 2? Are people going to be patient enough for that, or do I risk losing all my potential buyers?

    If you’ve posted stuff on Craiglist before and have had this sort of thing happen, please tell me how you’ve dealt with it. I want to be as fair and un-jerklike as possible.



    Maybe state in the add, first come first served. Make it clear to caller 1, that if someone shows up with money earlier, it will be sold. If someone makes an appt. for a later day, instruct to call and make sure of availability.



    Bernicki, Whoever gets there first with the cash wins. I sold a house full of furniture last year on CL, and learned that buyers can pretty much be categorized as:

    A)calls and shows up as fast as they can get there with cash in hand.

    B)Make appointment after appointment, and never show. Make it clear that whoever gets there first WINS. Don’t give out your address until they are on the way.



    I sell things on CL frequently. If I’m selling something or giving away something that I know will receive lots of requests, I notify the first person that they have 30 minutes to respond or I move on to the next person (so on and so on).



    Personally, I’d sell it to the first person who has cash. there is no guarantee that the first caller (who comes later) will even buy it after seeing it, so you could lose all your leads. I haven’t sold on CL, but have given away stuff on freecycle, and I often had many no-shows, and then I’d contact someone else who had previously emailed, and they already got what they needed elsewhere.

    My only suggestion is a reminder to contact anyone else who said they’d come over (after it’s sold) to tell them not to come. I know when I was looking for a rental last year on Craiglist, I was the first caller for a rental house, but couldn’t come right away. They rented it to someone else, but didn’t bother to tell me until I showed up for my appointment, looked at the place and then they told me somebody else actually wanted it already.



    I sold a car on Craigs list two years ago and would definitly recommend just explaining to them that it is first come first serve or you need a deposit for (large items) I had two people look @ the car before I sold it. the first was not going to have money for about 30-45 days. the second wasnt goign to have all of the money for the same amoutn of time but had a $1000 cash deposit. I went with the second.



    I have given away things on Craigslist before and I wised up to first come, first opportunity. If someone has said they will come the same day they are responding, I let other inquirers know that someone is coming by to look at the item; and if they don’t take it, I will be back in contact with them.

    I have another rule of thumb which is more my own little quirk. If I’m giving something away and a responder writes saying “I want the item” or simply “When can I pick it up?” without saying “hello” or “thank-you” I either delete there email or write them back to tell them I only make such offers to polite people. Good manners go a long way with me.



    hehe..flower petal…that’s really not a bad thing. I respond occasionally to things posted on freecycleseattle….and I always thank them for their consideration. I don’t always get said item, but, hey, sometimes you’re just not quick enough – lol



    Thanks so much, all of you. I feel much better prepared. I will process all of the above suggestions into a Craiglist battle plan! :)

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