Yeah, we were reporting from the scene within minutes … Torin and I happened to decide to run an errand at Metro Market instead of nearby Thriftway, and as we were almost back to the car with paper towels and plums, we heard the wail of sirens … checked online 911 via the iPhone … saw it was a heavy rescue @ 49th/Admiral … headed a few blocks west, literally right behind some of the fire trucks. (This is why we NEVER leave the house without cameras.)
Usually Patrick goes to breaking stories and calls info in to me; this time it was the other way around, but he first posted at 9:41, which was 13 minutes after the call went out. I can post from the iPhone (and have done so with breaking news) but in this case we were kind of busy shooting video etc. (thanks yet again to the nice folks who let us stand on their landing – they were immediately over the overturned car, just east of the east end of Schmitz Park).