Just a note to BDG:
I often condemn the “marketing above all” mindset since I saw it destroy several otherwise viable businesses when the sales force was assigned to sell products that did not and could not ever exist. The did not have the expertise to even know that and that was not their fault.
But I am also aware of the one great truths of business, everything follows the sale. Without sales, without a competent sales force, no product can get made, no sales happen and no paycheck for the geeks, engineers and administrators whose budget is seen as a “loss” even though the company would collapse without both parts.
I am also often in awe of sales people since I am self aware enough to know it is a talent I do not posses. My father sold Cadillacs. He sold more of them than anyone in the state for 10 years before dying of a heart attack. But he sold them because he really believed they were the best product he had seen and he could sell them with a clear conscience unlike his starter job after the war with a used car dealer.
Sales tactics may not work on some voters, and some might find it distasteful, but there is no substitute for the persistent, methodical, and cast iron ego of a good salesman when it comes to “Get out to Vote” work.
Contact your PCO and take over your block. Form a block party or a block watch meeting and snag your prospects from that group. If the PCO doesn’t show up then every two years they have to run for the position and a write in vote can beat them if they don’t have any name recognition in the precinct.
We cannot wait for someone else to save this country or the state, we have to do it our selves.
One block at a time.