Some of country’s darkest moment were when the majority or strident interest group with political power tried to exert control over the lives, morality, speech, of others. You do know that in most socialized medicine countries transplants are routinely denied .. some simply for age. Don’t work for the employee who doesn’t put the package together. you don’t like BTY… if it is that is such hard a burden… Title X covers it. It isn’t covered now.. and every supporter here has stated over and over again… it has not been an obstacle up to now. Remember when you all said 90 per cent of all woman use BC including women of faith? There are faith groups who do support BC and do provide it , that are in solidarity with the postion of the church. There, that ends the state violating the First Amendment. McKenna may try it… but if the Supreme Court strikes it down as a violation of the First Amendment…. the state statute falls too. It’s like Romney as governor in a state that was 80 per cent democrate.. ya pick the fights ya can win. McKenna would get no traction in OK, GA, or over half the states in the union. If he can undo the Gregoire deficits and restore sanity to public sector employee compensation … that’s job one.