Re: What if he's right?



Thanks CarolPB…

hubby wrote this today on facebook…

i’m prejudiced.. but i really like the way he said this… it’s good to have someone in your life who so often focuses your thinking for you..

“the more important fact for progressives to get exercised about: we really need to understand that both the democrats and republicans are corporate/capitalist parties, and that we should not expect them to act like anything else.

I am not convinced that electoral politics offers any way out of this, since the electoral system is entirely rigged against even the possibility of an independent party. Money determines the outcome of elections, and elections are becoming more and more expensive since most of the money goes to television advertising (with the revenues winding up in the hands of companies like GE, naturally).

It may be that the only way out will come when the current crises become genuine ‘crises of capitalism’ (if that isn’t already the case), and mass resistance becomes the only recourse (as in Greece today). “

The current state of politics won’t change until members of both parties realize we are all being sold a bill of goods that is not in our best interests.

Unfortunately.. the odds are in “their” favor as long as “they” can keep us from thinking for ourselves. It really is “us and them”.. but “us and them” has nothing to do with the political party you choose to support. The republicans are currently much better at at the game of distraction.. of keeping their supporters from actually thinking through some of those slogans they repeat… but the democrats have learned a great deal from them and are not far behind in the great American con job game.

Given the choice between helping neighbors and enriching the bottom of line of the uber wealthy.. the top 1%… even conservatives will choose their neighbors… but given a choice between the welfare state and a free market… the choice becomes far less clear. One is the smoke screen our politicians are selling us for the other… but most people will never figure that out.

Our military is currently deployed in 116 countries… we are not keeping peace.. we are ensuring economic stability for American corporations who have increasingly moved their businesses and their jobs overseas.

Any historian could tell you that global imperialism always fails… it is simply a matter of time till corporate greed topples this incredible experiment in democracy unless we the people wake up and just say no.

and in case anyone hasn’t been paying attention.. the latest think tank solution to cutting the military budget has nothing to do with cutting the two to one ratio of private contractors to active military or removing American troops from any one of those 116 postings… those brilliant minds who are running our country think that cutting medical benefits to vets is the answer:(

We all need to wake up and we need to wake up now.