Re: TheHouse Revealed



Andrea – thanks! We’re shooting for summer. Offbeat Bride Blog has saved me from stress. I am determined to have it be fun and not so stressful. Avoiding the giant traditional wedding will help I think. (Not that there is anything wrong with one – they can be gorgeous – but I want it to be a whole lot of fun and very little stress)

Jo – you’re totally right. I need to remember to mention it to my doctor and get a standby prescription. I forget whenever I see her, and then when I have them I always seem to be too late to actually do much about them. I’ll get it together one of these days! They’re no fun at all. I get them about twice a year now. Used to be once every 2 months or so. And thanks! My very conservative family will be shocked by my dress. But they’ll get over it. They’ve gotten over everything else… ;-)