Re: The Truth About Why We Should Adopt Our Pets–Not Hope



good article! I agree w/ it’s author “breeder all should be made to work in the “back” of an animal shelter” … I would include every person selling pets or adopting pets. Anything to make people STOP and think BEFORE taking on the responsibility of pet ownership.

People pick on those of us that view our pets as our kids, yet the fact is that is the reality. They require the same time, care, and money any child would. Like voodoo and WSeaFam2 said … we need to know and accept the responsibility BEFORE we choose to bring a pet (or child) into our home.

Sue, I am so sorry for your experience. No “friend” would ever put someone through that. That is the point this article made. People don’t think about the effect on the people left to deal with it … in this case, that would include you.

thanks funkietoo. I’ll cross post on FAF & FCAT facebook pages