Yeah, I’ve pretty much come to the conclusion that the SOTU, whether I like the particular President, what they stand for, their performance, or not, that it’s just a “See what I/we have accomplished?!?” fest.
Everything he’s says, we all pretty much know about already, and agree or disagree with his perspective, and the SOTU isn’t going to change our minds.
One thing I like to do, is watch the reactions of the VP and SOTH, especially when the SOTH is from the opposing party.
I was fixing dinner the other night during the SOTU, so wasn’t watching constantly, but watched, when I could, to see mainly Boehner’s reaction. He pretty much appeared bored throughout. I didn’t particularly notice him shaking his head, or rolling his eyes or anything.
For fun, I’d like to see the SOTH, when from the opposing party, make faces behind the President’s back, or if the President mentions a great accomplishment, one that would get an ovation at least from those in his party, turn around and fist bump the VP, and the SOTH if from the same party.
At one point the other night, I noticed Biden look over in Boehner’s direction. Couldn’t tell if he was looking directly at him, or beyond, but I thought it would be funny if Biden reached over and slugged Boehner in the arm, and Boehner punched back, kinda like two boys in the back seat of the car. ;-)
Also, when Obama recognized Boehner as the new SOTH, and commended him on his years of service, I was watching for Boehner to reach for his hanky.