the best closest place i have found is North Eastern Oregon. the fire danger there is really high so they are really really strict about fireworks. all fireworks.
we have already booked both our housesitter (which i recommend if your neighborhood is anything like mine) and a week in a cabin outside of Pendleton.
i have tried both the Oregon and Washington coasts (beaches are great places to set off fireworks), cabins in the woods in the cascades (you didn’t mean the fireworks locals set off do you? i thought you meant official fireworks) and a camping trip through eastern Washington (the parks were fireworks free but the people who owned cabins nearby didn’t get the message).
we even went to Winthrop one year.. supposedly firework free.. and if it hadn’t been for the guys shooting off illegal fireworks in the parking lot of our hotel it would have been :(
the best advice i have for someone who has to stay in Seattle is to board their dog at their vet if they can. The vets have good drugs that they can use in a controlled environment when they are needed and at least your four legged best friend won’t be tearing up your yard and the fence trying to escape into the neighborhood.
fireworks have really gotten out of hand but i don’t think anything will change until there is a major incident involving death and destruction…
i wish i had better news to share.
hubby will go with us to Eastern Oregon, but in our neighborhood we have bombs bursting in the air every night for weeks before and after.
i am still looking for someplace to take the pups for a couple of weeks following the fourth .. on my own :(
yes, it really is THAT bad :(