Re: Seahurst Park



mehud, thank you for pointing me in the direction of the Burien blog. I just finished one very long thread about the animal facility and CARES and I have a number of thoughts about this. One, it certainly sounds like this is a system that needs fixing. Two, the number of animals that come into the hands of any animal shelter/protective services could be drastically reduced if the citizens of said city/county would do their due diligence, spaying/neutering their pets, keeping them on leashes per the law, and maintaining them in their yards/homes. Why should the taxpayer foot the bill for pet-owning citizens that do not follow good animal ownership habits? If all pet owners would properly care for their animals, there would still be those animals who got out of the yard because someone left the fence open or what have you, but there would be far fewer lost/stray animals for the city to manage. Just my thoughts…and again, thanks for the heads up! ~Breezy