Re: Remember when… (WS reminiscing thread)



LOVE these threads!!! Although it makes me feel old and I’m only in my 30’s! Admiral Janeway, the buffet was the Royal Fork, we used to call The Royal Barf!

My favorite place growing up was the “Dime Store” which was where Zatz is now — loved those old ladies/sisters who owned it and they had the COOLEST stuff…. got my first pair of plastic high heels there!

Our local mini mart/grocery was I think called R&D’s on the corner of Walker and Calif, now a yoga place — my brother and I got to go there by ourselves for penny candy.

And the JCPenney’s was where I did my Christmas shopping — always felt so grown up b/c my mom would let me and my best friend take the bus down when we were about 7 or 8 and buy my dad a tie.

Winchell’s (the current Admiral Starbuck’s) was our Saturday morning treat, got to walk up with my dad while mom made a big Saturday breakfast and she’d heat them up just ever so slightly to make them a little crisp.

And LOVED LOVED LOVED Shakey’s Pizza (current Taco Time @ 35th/Fauntleroy) — we’d always go there after soccer games with the team and for Honor Roll lunches in private school for the “bunch a lunch” — best jojo’s, Chicken, salad bar and pizza!!!! There was also a pizza place at the current Redline where you could make your own Sunday’s, again, great soccer team hangout, can’t remember the name of it though.

Oh and the Dairy Queen that used to be in the current parking lot of Met Market — yep, got to walk there but not very often, only special occasions…….. And the taco place behind it that fronted Admiral, Taco Tuesday, 2 tacos and a coke for a buck and they had a great arcade in back. We’d get to go play some arcade games then run dinner home to the folks.

WOW, I miss the old neighborhood before The Bridge was built!!!