Okay, I’ve been trying to stay out of this, as it hits close to home, but this…..
but until a better alternative comes along, it does meet the needs of those who don’t fit into the current transient homeless model..
…..is spot on, and is the message that I have been trying to convey for nearly two years.
NV is not the ideal place for kids.
NV is not the ideal place for senior citizens.
NV is not the ideal place for people with illnesses, or compromised immune systems.
NV is not the ideal place for young, healthy, strapping adults.
NV is not the ideal place for pets.
But, it is just about the only option that some people have, other than living under a bridge.
Being an adult male with no street smarts, (my health issues aside), I would have had difficulty surviving in an “under a bridge”, or in “The Jungle” type of living scenario.
Imagine a woman (who are generally more vulnerable to sexual attack), with no street smarts trying to survive those conditions. Imagine children, trying to survive those conditions.
Indoor shelters, as they now exist, are not always an option. Many are overcrowded, bedbug, lice, and crabs infested, and many, as Jo mentions above, do not allow access, and/or storage of personal belongings 24 hours a day.
Until a safe, indoor alternative that largely addresses these issues is created, Nickelsville, warts and all, (including the big, politicizing wart known as SHARE/WHEEL) is a viable solution, and in many ways the only solution…