I will apologize in advance for not having been clear up to this point. I am usually a better communicator than this but it appears that my point has gotten lost and has been summed up for me several times without actually being stated well at all.
I will restate my position about this thread. I do not feel entitled to do anything when it comes to any part of my life. I feel like I have earned the right to do a lot of things in my life but I do not feel like any of it came as part of an entitlement package somewhere along the line.
Being able to take our “boyz” along with us is a privilege that we gratefully acknowledge whenever possible. Yes, we take them just about everywhere with us. If I started a list, it would go on forever. There is, however, no sense of entitlement with that. We always ask an establishment if they allow dogs and we do go to some places without them. However, over the past few years, we have found a surprising number of restaurants, coffee houses, shops and stores that gladly welcome our family.
My issue here is with the West Seattle Market managers and their abrupt change of rules that shocked both us and the other dog families that were left standing on the edges of the market a little at a loss for what to do.
When we asked for an explaination, we were given the run around and told that if we didn’t leave immediately we would be removed. You can go back through this thread to get the entire picture.
I posted here wondering if anyone had any information to share. NOT to say that we were entitled to take our boyz anyplace with us that we pleased despite the wishes of the owner.
I have always clearly understood that the markets are managed by different people. My comparison of the two markets was for the purpose of trying to find out what the laws were in this state regarding outdoor markets.
My questions have now been answered and I will take up any remaining issues with the managers of the West Seattle Farmers Market.