Well stated points all. I’m glad this has opened up a discussion like this.
When it comes down to it, we do spend our money at the Ballard Farmers Market. BTW, the West Seattle and University markets are managed by the same folks. We’ve run into this same woman at both. She put her hand up in front of us at the University Market when we tried walking in there with our boys. We needed to finish our shopping so Jason stood outside and I yelled across the booths to him through the fence. We were asked by vendors and patrons why we were doing it. When I made it a point to tell them, the wild haired woman (with a cowboy hat on this time) showed up with some guy next to her to ask us to stop making a scene about it. Then, a police officer on a bicycle showed up to follow my partner around while he “shopped with me” through the fence.
I wasn’t going to drag every incident through the forum here with how we’ve been treated. I did, at first, just want to find out if someone could get more information than we were given. However, talking about it has brought on a renewed sense of peeved off and the social crusader in me is starting to come out.
Yes, I agree that people have the right to manage their businesses as they like. Yes, I understand that some folks have a phobia about dogs. No, it does not violate any health codes. Yes, maybe they do need more space and feel like some people’s dogs get out of hand in such cramped quarters.
If you CHOOSE to not allow dogs in, then at least be able to answer the question when posed to you about why your rule suddenly changed without notice. She said it changed as a result of a “vote by the community.” I explained to her that we WERE the community and knew of no such vote. When I spoke to several of the vendors that we are acquainted with from attending the markets for years now, they had attended no such meeting or voted on anything like that. We asked her when the next “community meeting” was and she flat out refused to tell us anything and said she had to go.
If they do feel like some dogs have gotten out of hand, then have people walking the market to prevent such things. Yes, it is the owner’s responsibility 100% to prevent their dogs from snarking while they are in public places. And, if I had (GAWD forbid!) that kind of dog, I would accept being asked to leave.
I guess the real issue is that I have been dodged by this woman and by the people at the market too many times and given too many inconsistent answers. We still shop for our dog and cat food there in the Junction, and often on Sundays on our return trip from the Ballard Market, so I always make it a point to stop by the West Seattle Market booth and let them know that I am a West Seattle resident that supports another farmers market because of their policies. I also go to my friends at a few of the booths and let them know that I have been to their booths at the other market because I can’t bring my dogs in.
Now… I don’t mean to get on a rant… oh wait… yes I do!! LOL
I mean seriously!! We take our two boys to Tiffany & Co., Macy’s & Nordstrom on a regular basis. We also frequent Pike Place and ALL of the shops and eating establishments there. We always ask ahead of time if they are allowed to come in then we do business with those places that allow us to enter. We have our favorite sandwich shop, a coffee joint, a wine/truffle shop and about a dozen other businesses that welcome our boys with open arms and treats from behind the counter. The one place even ENCOURAGES us to come in because it draws a crowd and he can sell them more of his product. We get a discount if we stick around long enough! LOL
Okay, so maybe now this is a true rant. I just want people to stop jerking us around. Give me a straight, honest, believable answer and I’ll be happy. And… have the human decency to say it to my face instead of avoiding me and lying to me.
There… that’s my rant for now. Thank you all for responding and weighing in. You have certainly made me consider a few other thought paths these folks may have taken. What a great community this is here!
talk to you soon…