Re: Pup pic from Pamela



Uncontrolled breeding in general is a HUGE problem, and pits are probably the breed most overbred by all the wrong people. Pits could be a safer breed if concerted efforts were made to selectively breed them to be less aggressive, as was done with Doberman Pinschers. What might help the problem would be not a breed ban, but a BREEDING ban. Allow only a few well trained and licensed people to breed pits, and in a few generations we might have a different beast.

As it is now, most people have no idea of the genetic history of the animal (or even the social history, in many cases) and genes DO count. Unfortunately as Pam pointed out, most of the breeding is being done by idiots; we know they’re not breeding for “sweetness”. Nurture is great – but it doesn’t completely trump nature.