A comment made last night on Laura Flander’s program …Blue Grit… in response to the cabinet announcements…
Most politicians campaign to the right or left and govern to the center…. which is what Obama seems to be doing with his policy announcements and cabinet choices… and what most republican presidents who you admire have done… much to the dismay of progressives who elected him thinking he wasn’t really a democrat.
George Bush campaigned to the center and governed to the right.
Obama’s cabinet announcements would tend to indicate he is going to actually reach across the aisle and then some.
I think he is taking Lincoln’s advise about stocking the cabinet with his enemies too literally.. especially when the secretary of the defense will remain… but there is something to be said for making them buy into any possible solution.
George, on the other hand, is rushing to create as many federal policies as he can that will continue his interpretation of public service.. servicing major corporations at the expense of the public good… while he pardons cocaine dealers.
It appears that Obama’s strategy will be more successful at one thing.. uniting the country.
Staunch republicans are praising his cabinet choices. I am not so sure that is a good thing.. but we will see…
i think everyone now realizes that some things have to change. Diffusing the fight while you get the ball rolling may not be a bad thing.. that is if the ball does get rolling.