Re: post election fun



you know what? I DO rely on the gov’t. for my medical…and I’m damned lucky to have it or I’d be living in my car in front of your house. I will not be donating my SS to charity, because I haven’t been quite so lucky, it seems, as your parents, NR. I saved, saved, saved…and it didn’t work for me. I don’t ask for sympathy…I simply ask that you try to understand that I don’t have to do this because there was a flaw in me, that I didn’t plan right, that I simply made wrong decisions (as The House sometimes feels aobut people) Your snipiness when people question you on things is unflattering, but it speaks volumes, at least to me. I did go through a divorce where no one won financially. My fault that after a lengthy illness the state said I had to spend all my saved money an be broke, when I had a child, house payments, etc, and needed a leg up? NO…not my fault. I was told I had too much…but I had NO INCOME.

I don’t say these things because I want someone to feel sorry for me. It is what it is. I do the best I can, and I work hard. I don’t look down my nose at anyone, ever. But it seems that there’s an underlying something insome of the posts that those who may not have been so lucky as perhaps your parents, or perhaps BDG’s parents, are somehow neglectful and deserve what position they’re in now. I am going to assume that you all don’t really mean that…but it’s how it comes across. Insulted? No…not me. I just don’t understand the seeming classist remarks that are being made without realizing it. My gov’t. is MY gov’t. I served it in the US Army, I gave in taxes and social security, and if I need it later in life, hopefully I won’t be told no again.

Bully for your parents for donating their SS…we’re not all so lucky.

I’m done..this will probably be removed fromn the forum, too…but hopefully I’ve made a point. Or maybe not…Ther eare none so blind as those who will not see…