Re: Pimp My Grocery Store



Of all the safeways I semi-regularly visit the ranking is something like: SeaTac > Renton > Admiral > Junction > U-district. Anyone that thinks that Admiral is the worst should take a little field trip over to the U district, it’s a total time warp. Hopefully when Admiral safeway does their makeover they get the idea to restock the broccoli and spinach when they run out. The staff has always been great, not to mention that my friends and I are totally mystified by one checker in particular.

Metropolitan Market lures me in with the cheap high-quality produce and those coupon mailers, and before I know it I’m picking up all kinds of stuff. It’s also becoming one of my favorite places to eat lunch. The soup is to die for.

Pcc I really want to like because it’s so close to me, but I’m always put off by the prices, though I do enjoy walking past their cooking classroom. I’ve always liked the Thriftway since it’s kind of a step between Safeway and Metropolitan, and I’d probably go there more if it were closer to me.